Cost of a Soul

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Hopes were high when an antidote was found for the testing done on Subject H13. Thankfully, Jess's memory was strong and she was able to save him. Shortly after, they spoke with the mastermind behind the monsters of this island. He has challenged Jess to meet him...alone, and she agreed.

'I can't believe it's just been a day since I was here. Now...where was camp? I think is was... Right. We couldn't see the islands from where we first crashed. We must be on the other side. So the camp must be north, through the trees.'  Jess said as she headed into the forest.

'What?!' She screamed as Athur had appeared terrifying her.

'Hello, Jess. It has been quite awhile.' Arthur said robotically.

'Arthur! I'm so glad to see you.' Jess smiled.

'As I am to see you. I am here to collect you.' Arthur said.

'Collect me? Arthur did...did he get to you, too? What happened to you?' Jess looked puzzled.

'I have been made whole, Jess. I am the next stage of humanity. And u am here to bring you into it, too. Are we not blessed?' Arthur smirked.

'You're crazy, Arthur. I'm sorry this happened to you. Now, just take me wherever you are supposed to.' Jess glared.

'You shall thank me when we get there. You'll see.' Arthur looked blank, and walked away.

Jess yawned.

'Come Jess, your fate awaits.' Arthur said cheerfully.

'Lead the way.' Jess crossed her arms.

'I do not see the master unless he beckons. This is your journey to take. He waits for you. Just ahead.'

'All right. Here goes...' Jess walked into the darkness.

'Where am I? Hello? Is anybody here? There's gotta be a light around here somewhere...' Jess said.

Jess found a light switch and as she turned on the lights...

'Oh my goodness, Wayne?! I saw you die! I SAW IT!' Jess was frightened.

'Saw you die.' Wayne said blankly.

'It's like you're back from the dead. Like a...ghost.'


'Has he gotten to everyone?! Oh Wayne.' Jess started to run.

'No! Have purpose, still. Look.' Wayne points over to bodies which are covered.

'Who...who are those people?!'

'Friends. To join us.'

'This. Is. Enough! Wayne, I'm getting them out of here!' Jess ran over to the bodies, and is joined by the Doctor she saw on the recording earlier.

'Ah, my dear Jezabel. We meet at last.'

'What have you done with my friends?!'

'I am in process of making them better. Stronger. Smarter.'


'You continue to use that word. But are you so sure? If we were to meet our ancestors on the road, Honolulu antecessor... Would we not appear as monsters to him? We always fear that which we do not understand.'

'Oh, I understand you. You KILL people. For your games!'

'There must always be sacrifices to achieve greatness. But what is one loss if it saves hundreds? Thousands? Or if it saves your friends?'

'This doesn't look like "saving" to me!'

'Oh, do you think you can do better? Remember, your mother had access to those antidotes when she joined Dr. Lee on Delta Two. She disregarded them. In fact, she tried to be stronger, too. Are you saying she was wrong?'

'I saw my mother, you freak! She was DEAD!'

'Only because she did not follow me. After all you've deen, do you really think those antidotes will help your friends?'

'You don't need to ask me twice.' Jess started to uncover a body, until Wayne got in the way.

'Wayne! What...what did you do?'

'Is better...than death...for....friends.'

'You knew! You knew this would happen!'

'Perhaps you should have, too. Do not disturb things you do not understand. Those "antidotes" were set up to protect us from one another. Used incorrectly, and they are instant death.'

'Oh really? Let's see how they work against a beast like you!' Jess busted at him.

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