Child of the Roots

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'Oh Sarah, I don't know if these letters will ever reach you. I try to keep my hopes high, but I fear this island may be the death of me. Leo has told Erica and Blake about my poisoning. While they avoid the topic around me... I can tell it raises all of their fears. Will we truly survive this strange place'

Erica walks over shakily 'Hey Wayne, how are you feeling?'

'All right, I suppose. My heads a little groggy, kinda like a hangover.'

'Maybe you're just tired...'

'Yeah, maybe... Did you guys find any clues at that camp site? Any idea who our mysterious "friend" is?'

'Not yet, but he has to be around here somewhere! I say we set up some traps, head back to camp, and check in the morning.' Leo suggests shrugging.

'Traps?! Shooting the poor thing wasn't enough?!' Erica whimpered.

'He poisoned Wayne! Trapping him is the least we could do! Why, what do you propose?' Leo looked like he had the urge to punch something.

'This could be some new human sub-species! Some marvel of nature! We should set out a peace offering and befriend it.' Erica crossed her arms.

'I don't know Erica. It doesn't act like it wants any friends. What do you think, Wayne?' Leo asks.

'I'm with Erica here. This creature must know more about this island and it's traps. It may also know about Arthur. We have to try to befriend it. Erica, let's set out some food and supplies for it.' Wayne grinned.

'Right. I'll go through our supplies and see what we could spare.' Erica speed walks away.

Dusk falls as the team begins preparing for their... "friend."

'Are you guys done yet? I don't think we want to be here when this thing gets back.' Blake said in fear.

'Really, Blake? You don't expect it to be our best friend? Because Erica sure here does.' Leo rolls his eyes.

'Leo, can you ever trust someone other than yourself?' Erica furiously said.

'Come on guys, knock it off. Blake is right. Let's head back to camp and check back in the morning. Just be careful... we don't need anyone else getting hurt.' Wayne said.

Back at camp...

'Donovan, it's already getting dark. They should be back by now.' Jess said in fear.

'Don't worry, hun. I'm sure they're fine.' Donovan reassured her.

They hear a branch snap.

'What was that? Did you hear that?' Jess gasped.

'I sure did. Who's out there! SHOW YOURSELF!' Donovan yelled.

'Don't worry dad, it's just us! I'm glad to see you two are okay.'

'Yeah, we are...are you guys? All of you?' Jess said quietly.

'Well....for the most part.' Blake said guiltily.

'What do you mean "for the most part"?' Jess raised her brow.

'Well...I might have stumbled onto a trap along the way... I think I was poisoned...' Wayne looked down.

'What?! Are...are you okay?' Jess said shaking.

'We don't know yet.' Erica put her hand on her hip.

'This island is horrible! How could my mom have put up with this?!' Jess cried.

'Jess, we'll get through this, I promise. You have to keep your spirits up.' Donovan tried to make her feel better.

'I know, I'm sorry. I'm just scared. It's like everything's out to get us!' Jess sobbed.

'It's okay. Everything will be a lot less scary in the morning. Let's just get some sleep.' Wayne said.

In the morning...

'Wayne...I'm sorry to wake you, but it's getting pretty late.' Blake gently tapped him.

'Oh? Man, sorry I slept so long.' Wayne apologized.

'It''s okay. You should probably be resting. How do you feel?' Blake said protectively.

'Not good. But I'll get by.' Wayne slightly shrugged.

'Yeah, I just hope you're okay.' Blake said sadly.

'Glad to see you're up, Wayne. If you're feeling up to it, we should go back and check on the camp.' Erica said happily.

'Right. Let's go. Leo, you coming?' Wayne said loudly.

'I'd rather stay and watch after my dad.' 

'Jess, how about you?' Wayne asked.

'I've been thinking more about some of the things my mom said about this place. I'd like to come with...I have a few ideas I'd like to look into.' Jess grinned.

'All right. I guess it's the four of us.' Erica smiled.'

'I'd actually like to get back to work on that generator, if that's okay?' Blake looked back.

'Oh..yeah, sure. Just the three of us, then.' Wayne looked down.

Back at the camp site..

'Omnom! Rashonz!'

'What...what IS that? Erica freaked out.

' that a man?' Wayne looked horrified.

'Is that the thing Leo shot?

'Shhhh... I don't think he seen us yet.'

'Well we have to try to talk to it. It clearly knows something about this island. But is it safe to let it roam around?

'I think we have to...we have to try to tie him up. He's clearly tried to attack us before. We can't take that risk.'

'My mom talked a but about her work with her subjects. Let me try to talk to it.'

'No! I'm the one who is already hurt. Things can't get much worse for me. I'll do it. Alone. Shh....I don't wanna hurt you.'

'No! Docto! Docto man, no!'

'It''s okay. Wait... do you understand me?'

'It's lisens, lisens. Found Rashons, I found! Nos Doctos!'

'Listen. Do you know about this island?'

'No home? Know home!'

'And the traps?'

'Root! Want root! Know ROOT?! NO ROOT!'

'Root? Well, there are plenty of roots in the woods...'


'Shh,  listen. I can show you lots of roots.'


'But I need you to tell me about the traps.'


'No, I'm in painz. See, painz. I need you to help me understand it. And this island. And Arthur.'


'Ghost what?'

'Ghostwalker. .'

'You've met Arthur?'

'Atur...Ghostwalker... I smellz it.'

'Listen, I'm just going to toss a little rope around you... you can trust me...'

'Trust no one. Roots trust no one.'

'The roots? I...I don't understand.'

'Root trusts, root dies.'

'No one is going to die...' 'At least I hope not.'


Jess runs over.. 'Wayne, wait! I get it now!'


'It's not asking about roots.'

'Root! Roots grows! Roots alive!'

'It's saying "Ruth" Ruth...was my mother.'

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