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'Whe...where am I?' ' Oh gosh! Is...is that our ship?!' Wayne panicked. 'I...I don't see any survivors...' 'I...I've got to find help!' He thought to himself.

'I...I don't feel so good...' Wayne fell to the ground and blacked out.

~Hours ago~

Wayne is in his room, he sits writing postcards, ignorant to the trouble going on around him.

'Dear Sarah,
It's our first day at sea and the weather is perfect! The cruise had a bit of a rough start with some mechanical delays, but it's been smooth sailing since then. My roommate's this kid from San Jose. I swear he-

Wayne's roommate walks into the room, 'Writing your girlfriend again?Why didn't she just come with ya?' Blake smirks.

'Why don't you mind your own business?' Wayne glares.

'Jeez! Just trying to make some conversation!' Blake says.

'Sorry, the heat here's just getting to my head..' Wayne says apologetically. 'This room is sweltering'

'Yeah, the AC'S busted' Blake rolls his eyes. 'I tried wiring into the main frame to fix it-'

'Wait... you what?' Wayne says surprisingly.

'Did you try to hack into the ships computer?!' Wayne exclaims.

'Duh! How else am I going to boost my connection? It wasn't like their main system or anything; just their network..'

'Dude, that's stupid, man! What If you get caught?' Wayne says shaking his head.

'What are they gonna do? Throw me in the brig? Besides, I didn't get anywhere. This place is locked down better than a government facility. It weird. No one uses that kinda security unless they're hiding something.' Blake says.

'Well good luck with that, I'm going to get some fresh air on deck, have fun with your hacking!' Wayne shrugs.

'Have fun with your sunburn, and getting sand in your eyes, and germs from all those kids.' Blake smirks.

'Um...Okay. Well, see you later!' Wayne walks away.

As Wayne is walking away, he thought 'Man, why'd this guy even come on
this cruise?'

Wayne walks outside and he could smell the salty ocean water. The kids screaming and running off. And the nice breeze on his skin.

'I should get to know some of my shipmates. Since it doesn't look like my roommate will be much company.' Wayne thought.

Wayne looks behind him and sees a tall man enjoying his time on the cruise.

'That guy looks pretty chill. He's definitely enjoying the moment.'

Wayne looks to his right and sees a friendly looking woman. 'Looks like she's planning her trip. Bet she knows a lot about this ship.'

Wayne decides to talk to the girl.

'Planning your trip? Make sure you don't miss it in the process.' He says genuinely.

'What? Oh, no. I just need to make sure I stay on schedule. I can't afford to get off by more than a day.' The woman crosses her arms.

'Wow, you really have things planned out, eh? That's smart! It's good to know what you're doing. You never want to look back on a vacation and regret missing something important.'

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