A Blast from the Past

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Leo & Donovan had remained at camp looking for Arthur.. Erica had struck out on her own toward the mysterious light in the distance, and Wayne, Jess, and Blake had barely escaped a strange base with their lives. And Jess just admitted she may know more about this island. She wants to go back to the base that just exploded all over you to check!

'You want to do, WHAT?! Jess, that bunker thing tried to kill us! We can't go back in there!' Blake yelled.

'But this must be the island my mother worked on! Something happened to her here. I need to know what!'

'Jess, why didn't you tell us earlier?! I trusted you! We all did!' Wayne shouted.

'I know! I'm sorry, but I didn't wanna say anything till I was sure.' Jess argued.

'And you're sure now? How?' Blake crossed his arms.

'My mother always wore a pin before she got this job. It was the triangle symbol for Delta and the number 3.' Jess explained.

'Triangle 3? What does that have to do with us?' Blake looked confused.

'Not triangle, Delta. Delta Three. Wayne, ring a bell?'

'Of course! That was on the poster we saw at the radio tower! It called this place Delta Island.'

'Good memory!'

'But why would the bunker have had any more information?' Blake thought.

'Well, the pin said Delta 3. I bet the '3' meant something! Did you see anything in the office, Wayne?'

'There was a recording I heard that mentioned 3 tests.. Maybe your mom was on the 3rd?'

'3 tests? That doesn't sound right. The guy talking to us mentioned 'H13' That suggests a lot more then 3 tests. At least 13..'

'That's all I saw in the office.' Wayne shrugged.

'Maybe it has to do with stations, or bases. Maybe there are more bases on this island.' Blake put his hands on his hips.

'My mom always did talk about islands! As if there was more than one! Maybe there are people on those!'

'Oh great. We'll just charter a jet and fly right on over to them. In case you forgot, we are stranded right here, on this one. And last I checked, someone on it was trying to kill us!' Blake glares.

'I just wish we'd have more time. I bet there was more in that office, Wayne. It's too bad we couldn't get more of it.' Jess says sadly.

'Hey, at least we got out with our lives.' Wayne clenched his fists.

'I just wish whoever was on the speaker hadn't blown everything up!' Jess screamed.

'Yeah, and tried to blow us up with him! Remember how he mentioned traps all over the island? Come on, we have to warn the others!' Blake suggested.

'Others? Wayne agreed with me; we have to find Erica. Once we find her and get to that light, we'll know about this island. Right, Wayne?'

'Right. Besides, Leo and Donovan are safe at the Beach. We would have set off any traps that were there already. We need to get to Erica and warn her. Now.'

They ran through the forest to find Erica.

'Erica! Thank goodness you're okay!' Wayne said with a relieved tone.

'Of course I'm okay. No thanks to you guys abandoning me. And I see you got exactly where I thought you would with Arthur. Nowhere.'

'Yeah, well at least we tried! And we did find some more information about the islands!' Jess bragged.

'Yeah, we heard some crazy guy talk about traps!' Blake added.

'Crazy guy?' Erica looked curious.

'Yeah, over the speakers in the bunker!' Wayne shouted.

'Bunker? What are you talking about? Erica looked frustrated.

'We found a weird lab or something, deep in the woods.' Wayne said.

'And there was a guy in there.. Well not in there... but talking in there..' Jess explained.

'And he says there are traps all over the island!' Blake said with a worried tone.

'Wait, what? There's someone else on this island with us?' Erica looked frightened.

'We don't know if he's on the island. But he's definitely watching us. I don't think it's safe for you to be wandering alone out here. Who knows what traps you might set off.' Wayne said protectively l.

'Well, I haven't set any off yet. And what's the worst that could happen?' Erica sneered.

'Show her your hands, Wayne.' Jess demanded.

'Oh my goodness, what happened?' Erica looked like she was gonna vomit.

'Traps. That's what. And it could have been a lot worse.' Blake reported.

'How did you guys trigger them?' Erica asked.

'We found a stash of food, and snagged some for the group. Turns out it was booby-trapped.' Wayne shrugged.

'Well, at least you got us more supplies. That's great!' Erica tried to make the best out of the situation..

'Yeah! Now we just need to stay away from some crazy guy who wants us dead!' Jess glares.

'All the more reason to get moving. Come on, the light is just a little ways ahead.' Erica said.

They started to get moving.

'Do you guys hear that?' Jess said cautiously.

'Hear what?' Blake shrugged.

'It...it sounds like crying. Like sobs! Come on, someone's in trouble!' Jess ran.

'Arthur! Arthur, what's wrong? Jess spotted him.

'It's him..I know it's him. It stole him from me!!!' Arthur screamed.

'What's he talking about? Arthur, what're you talking about? Well now, that is definitely a trap. Not so hard to spot, though. We better be..-'


'Arthur, no!' Erica yelled.

With a horrific explosion and rain of sparks... Arthur falls to the ground, motionless... and your one guiding light goes out.

Jess starts sobbing.

'Oh no..' Blake whispers.

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