Chapter 3: Conditions

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I sighed and looked around at the faces staring back at me. "Look, here's the deal. I don't want you to think that I would just kill you guys because I felt like it. Those people back at the DRI...they're horrible. Normal people such as yourselves wouldn't understand my reasons..." I say, turning my head away from them and sighing.

"Well there's no reason to think that you wouldn't kill us so...give us a reason to trust you," the dark haired guy said.

I sigh. "I...I don't have a reason. Just trust me," I say, wishing he'd stop talking.

The guy nodded and looked around at the others. "Just as I thought, she doesn't have a reason. But...I suppose she could stay."

Misa cheers, although she now knows my true identity. "Yay, Aurora! You can stay!"

I nod and turn back to the back to the dark haired guy. "So what's the catch?" I ask, knowing that he had some reason for letting me stay.

The guy nodded. "Smart girl. Well, my conditions for you to live here are one, you must stay in your room on the second floor when you sleep, rest, or anything else unless you are with one of us. Two, you must eat with us for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Three, you cannot leave the house unless you are accompanied by one of us. Understand?"

I roll my eyes and nod. "Yeah, I get it."

"Good, I'm glad we have no problems. By the way, you will call me L. You already know Misa and presumably Light. The white-haired boy is Near, the blonde guy is Mello, and the other guy is Matt. You'll meet Matsuda soon. When he returns, of course. Now follow me. I'll show you to your room."

I sigh, following after him down a hallway and getting in an elevator. The elevator closed and L pressed the button for the second floor. The elevator closed and went up one floor. We exited the elevator and walked out to a huge room. It was big enough to be a house.

"Okay, so usually this would be my floor, but you will be staying here so," he walked to a hallway and a room, opening the door, "welcome to your room."

I walked in and looked around. It was pretty nice and the bed looked comfy enough. Now that I thought about it, I was quite tired from excessive use of my vectors at the DRI. "Thanks..." I say in a monotone, "do you think I could go to sleep?" I ask slowly.

L seemed to ponder this suspiciously. "I'll have Misa watch you. You had better be going to sleep though," he says, warningly.

I shrug, "Sure, okay." I get in the bed and lay down, feeling much more relaxed than I ever had in my life. I watched as L left and soon I drifted off to sleep.

Impossible: An L Lawliet Love Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن