Chapter 10: A Diclonius's Weakness

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L watched Aurora blush as she watched Matt leave the room. 'They're going on a date? I guess I should probably let her out soon...She's been in here awhile,' L thought to himself. He had felt a strange feeling in the pit of his stomach when Matt asked Aurora on a date. It was sort of unexplainable, and he had never felt it before. L shook off his thoughts and looked up to Aurora.

"Hey L," she said, smiling.

Hello, Aurora," L replied. He sat down on her bed in his usual crouching position.

"So how's life outside of my room?" she asked.

L sighed. "It's boring actually. We have no leads on the Kira case and no crime activity anywhere. The one person who I believe to be Kira is Light."

"Who knows? He could be. He acts like he's some kind of high and mighty god," Aurora stated.

"Yes, I noticed that also. There's also you..."

"You still think I'm a part of Kira's scheme?! Have I not already proven myself by staying in this damn room for two weeks?" she asked, raising her voice.

"I still don't know what to believe. I suppose the reason Kira hasn't killed you yet may be because you aren't human. But that still doesn't mean you won't hurt someone. I'm just taking measures I think are necessary to keeping my acquaintances safe."

Aurora groaned, rubbing her temples. "L, I can't stand to be in this room any longer. I've been locked in a glass cell my whole life and now you want to keep me imprisoned in this room?! What do I have to do to prove myself?"

"There's nothing for you to do. There's nothing else I need. I've already gathered the information I needed, and that information tells me that you are an inhuman threat to our very lives. There's not much I don't know about your kind."

Aurora clenched her teeth, trying to hold back all of her anger. "L, what if I told you something vital? Something you would need to know to be able to kill me?" she asked hesitantly.

L pondered this momentarily. Would letting Aurora go be a wise thing to do? 'She hasn't exactly caused harm to anyone. And knowing this information would be helpful," L thought to himself. "How can I be sure you are giving me the correct information!"

"Because, I really want to get out of this boring room, and I want you to trust me. And I could always prove it to you by showing you the DRI's data. I heard the password from some cocky doctor."

"Okay, Aurora. If you tell me how I can kill you, I shall let you go."

Aurora sighed in relief about hearing that she could finally leave. "Okay, well if one of a Diclonius's horns gets broken off, we go into a coma. If both of our horns get broken off, we stay in a coma for a very long time. Practically forever. Thats where the source of our psychokinetic powers is."

L nodded, understanding. "That makes sense. Thank you for telling me that important information. Now you may leave your room. But the conditions from before still pertain," L reminded her.

"Yes, of course, L. Thank you!" she said, hugging him in a friendly manner.

L felt heat rising to his cheeks as the beautiful Diclonius put her arms around him. "Ahem...your welcome. Just remember what I said, Aurora."

"Of course," she said.

"Now, you are able to go on that date...with Matt," L said.

"Yeah! I'm excited! Matt's really cool," she said cheerily.

"Yeah, I suppose he is..." L mumbled.

"Thanks again, L," she said.

"You don't have to thank me," he said.

"Okay, so do you want to come with me to the living room? I'm sick of staring at these walls. Let's go eat some of that cake you are always talking about. And I gotta visit Misa! I haven't seen her in two weeks!"

L chuckles, "Hmmm...I don't know that I would share my cake with you."

"What?! Why not?!"

"Because, it's my brain food. I must eat it or my reasoning skills are weaker."

Aurora sighed. "Fine, but I'm going to ask Matt to buy me the same cake, and when you don't have anymore, I'm going to eat it in front of your face!" she said.

L paled(if it's even possible for him to get any paler XD) at hearing Matt's name. He didn't like hearing it come from Aurora's mouth for some reason. "Fine! I'll share my cake with you!"

Aurora smiled. "Great! Thanks L!"

The two left Aurora's room and took the elevator to the first floor. Exiting the elevator, they make their way to the kitchen, and L grudgingly cuts Aurora a small piece of his hummingbird cake.

'What is wrong with me...?' L thought to himself. He hadn't really ever shared his cake with anyone. Why was it changing now? And why was there a weird feeling in his gut that made him feel slightly upset when Matt's name was spoken by Aurora's perfect lips...?

*~{Hey! In case you were wondering, this chapter was in third person POV. I know, I kinda confused you, right? Sorry bout that. Next chapter will be in Aurora's POV again. I think I'm gonna start putting what POV each chapter is in at the beginning. Anyways, in case you're wondering what a hummingbird cake is, it's a delicious cake with bananas, pecans, and pineapple juice in the cake, and shredded coconut and pecans in the cream cheese icing. :T It's great! Especially with a big glass of milk! ^^ Nom nom nom!}~*

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