Chapter 4 - My Story

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"Look me in my eyes and try to feel my pain

do you know how it feels to be left out in the rain

each and every day there's someone judging me

worried bout my life and how I live in these streets

everyday I wake up

tryna get this paper

these stacks look like elevators (Elevators)

but no one really wants to hear my story

that's why I'm all alone there's no one here for me"

sean mcgee- My story

Beauty's point of view

      I sighed as I walked on to my run down porch. A pink Eviction notice was taped to my door. How the hell am I going to get the money to pay rent? I wish I could move out of this shitty house anyways.

          I just started at the strip club lastnight and after what happen I don't think I want to go back to be really honest.  That guy stole the 900 I made last night, I was going to pay the rent with that and buy what's needed with the rest that was left over.

        I went into my purse to look for my keys and a wad of money was in my purse. I turned to see Juan smiling as he pulled off. I shook my head smiling greatfully and went in the house. I couldn't help but feel so guilty. 

       "Mommmy!!!! " My daughter Miracle screamed jumping off the couch and jumped into my arms.

"Hey gorgeous, were you good for Your Tt? " I asked kissing her chubby cheek.

"Yes." She smiled hard, My little girl was growing up so fast, to only be three going on four she spoke so well. She was the reason I changed.  I fear not being a good enough mother,so I do this all for her.

"Sorry I didn't make it back lastnight. I got into some trouble. " I said to Lexy.

"Its Okay, I love watching my god daughter." lexy said

"Here lemme give you your money."

"No its okay, no charge, she was an angel and you know you my girl. Bye sissy! " she said kissing my cheek before making her way out my door. 

"Come on, Let's get you cleaned up." I said to miracle.

       As I bathed miracle I couldn't help but compare her and her fathers features. They look so much alike. She had the same Light skin complexion, She had those Golden Brown eyes, that kinky brown curly hair, she looked like his son. She had His mouth his ears,that same forehead she was the spitting image of him. The only features she got from me was my nose and  eye shape and eye lashes.  Other than that she looked just like Juan.

          I  don't plan on telling him about her. Simple fact, I know he'll deny. Plus that whole confusion with me. That bitch ass doctor mixed up my information with another girls. The girls baby died, Miracle made it, she faught through the odds of not being developed enough, she is now. She won't stop growing! 


        I don't know, I feel quilty keeping her from Juan.. but I don't need my child around that life. we have been getting around with out him, we don't need him now.

      Daisy's point of View

      "Mom, Dad, Can I go To the mall after school with Abby? " I asked hopefully.

  "No." My mom and Dad said in union. I sighed frustrated.

    "That's not fair! " I whined.

"We'll take you shopping if you like." My mama suggested.

I looked at her in horror. "No one Goes shopping with their parents! I'm in high school, 10th grade, I'm 16! "

"Daisy go get ready for school." my dad said.

I shook my head and went up into my room. Every since Dj died they've been so strict on me, I can't do nothing. They want me under them 24/7. Its irritating as fuck. Like Why must you ruin my life? They smothering me and I don't know how much more I can take.  I'm not bouta keep living like this.

     I slid on my Aqua 11's grabbed my purse and ran down the stairs finger combing through my natural hair. I'm mixed with cherokee indian, my hair stopped in the middle of my back and right now it was bone straight. 


"Wait honey! We're driving you to school!" My mom said running after me.

   "Mom I have my L's I can drive myself." I said annoyed.

     "Just let her go, she's only going to school and coming home." my dad said.

My mama looked skeptical."Alright, but put on your seat belt and don't text or talk while you drive. Let me know you made it to school and when you're on your way home."

I rolled my eyes as my dad ingulfed me in a hug and my mom joined in.

They acting like this the last damn time they'll ever see me.


I need comments y'all, I have no motivation to write anymore.

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