Break Blade

52 4 0

Other Title:

Broken Blade




April 6, 2014 to June 22, 2014




Action, Military, Fantasy, Mecha, Shounen


In the continent of Cruzon, an impending war between the Kingdom of Krisna and the nation of Athens is brimming. The people of this land are able to use quartz for whatever purpose they desire. Yet one person, Rygart Arrow, is not. He is an "un-sorcerer," a person unable to use quartz. But this characteristic will enable him to pilot an ancient Golem, one strong enough to put up a fight against the invading army of Athens.

Characters and Voice Actors:

- Main:

Rygart Arrow

Age: 25

Rygart is the series' main protagonist at the age of 25. He was born an un-sorcerer, meaning that he cannot use magic, unlike the majority of the worlds populace. Before he left to see Hodr, he worked on a farm with his brother who is also an un-sorcerer, because of this, his father sold all Quartz operated tools and worked with tools without Quartz to make the boys stronger and to keep them from feeling like outcasts. After his father took out loans, Rygart was able to attend Assam military school where he befriended Zess, Hodr, and Sigyn where the four of them were known as "the four problem children of Assam's Military School,", with him being known as the "King of Make-up tests." He hated violence, but he later becomes the pilot of the Delphine, an ancient Golem designed for only an un-sorcerer's use as a Heavy Knight for Krisna. He originally joins to the army and war to protect his brother and friends but later admits he's really fighting to protect Sigyn who he really loves. With the progress of story he understands the hard law of war "Kill or be killed" and after the death of a dear friend and companion in battle that took place before his eyes, he starts to fight in a much more decisive and ruthless.

- Hoshi, Soichiro (Japanese)

- Ayres, Greg (English)

- Maino, Michaël (French)

Sigyn Erster

Sigyn is the 25-year-old Queen of Krisna. During military school she was known as the "Mad Scientist" for secluding herself in the school's lab for 3 days and nights without eating or drinking. While she is the Queen, she rarely acts like one and has instead pursued a career of science. She can usually be found with the royal engineers in the castle maintenance workshop tinkering with machines.

Sigyn cares deeply for her friends, to the point of pointing a gun at Rygart upon first seeing him to ask why he didn't show up at her wedding and confirm that he doesn't hate her. Even though she and Hodr are married, they do not share the same bed.


It is later reveal Sigyn was in love with Rygart during their days in military school but Rygart purposely didn't hear her confession to him when he returned to take over his father's farm because he felt Sigyn deserved a better life with someone else. She appears to still love Rygart even though she is married.

- Saito, Chiwa (Japanese)

- Neves, Emily (English)

- Longeac, Amandine (French)

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