Burst Angel

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Other Title:

Bakuretsu Tenshi




April 7, 2004 to September 15, 2004




Adventure, Comedy, Mecha, Sci-Fi


In Japan's not-too-distant future, crime has become so common that the government has legalised firearms for citizens to use in self-defence. To combat this new wave of wrongdoing, the Recently Armed Police of Tokyo was established in hopes of hunting down criminals with lethal force.

Kyohei Tachibana is a gifted culinary student who dreams of saving up enough money to become a pastry chef in France. When four young mercenaries ask him to be their cook, he's forced into making a tough choice. As Jo, Meg, Sei, and Amy take on the bloodiest jobs in the chaotic city of Tokyo, Kyohei accepts an imminent descent into the world of crime—and he'll do a lot more than just cooking!

Characters and Voice Actors:

- Main:


Amy is a Computer/Techno whiz. She was saved and recruited by Sei after Amy's hacking drew attention to the authorities. She often argues with Meg and also loves scarfing down Kyohei's various treats. She has a cult following in the cyberworld. She is often seen carrying what appears to be a pink stuffed animal that actually contains a laptop.

- Takahashi, Mikako (Japanese)

- Viktorin, Alison (English)

- Granato, Jolanda (Italian)

- Liebing, Katja (German)

- Baran, Maia (French)

Jo "The Angel from Hell"

Silver hair, red eyes, carries twin Desert Eagles and is known as "The Angel from Hell." She has superhuman abilities from her artificial creation, usually followed by the appearance of a purple glowing tattoo on her left arm and shoulder blade. They resemble wings and are often called "The Wings of the Devil" and will glow when Jo is put under a lot of stress when fighting. Jo also puts Meg over anything else, which she stated when telling Meg that she fights for her only. When she is not fighting, she enjoys watching horror or gore related movies.

Ending spoiler:


Jo would eventually rediscover her past as a genetically engineered war machine in human form. After being forced to surrender with Meg and others held hostage, Jo returns to the secret labs for reprogramming and conditioning at RAPT R&D. Jo's counterpart, Maria, freed her to only prove who was the strongest; Jo managed to remove her will to defeat her and restores her true humanity. Jo realized that she has to destroy RAPT at the source all for all that has happened as well as help Sei. Meg was highly opposed to the idea after seeing her go through a lifetime of combat and feels it's not their problem. Jo knocks Meg out, bids her farewell and leaves her communicator and jacket behind for her to remember by. After fighting their way into RAPT HQ, Jo destroyed RAPT's most powerful bio-tech brain and the whole building collapses. It is unknown whether Jo survived the explosion or not.

- Watanabe, Akeno (Japanese)

- Rial, Monica (English)

- Baillien, Carole (French)

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