Bottle Fairy

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Other Title:

Binzume Yousei


Binzume Yousei: Bottle Fairy




October 3, 2003 to December 26, 2003




Comedy, Fantasy, Magic, Slice of Life


Kururu, Chiriri, Sarara, and Hororo are four little fairies that live inside bottles on their "Sensei"'s desk. Together, they have misadventures trying to understand the human world, seeking advice from the totally misinformed grade schooler next door.

Characters and Voice Actors:

- Main:


She is associated with the season of summer. She is friendly and slightly reserved. Despite her prim and ladylike personality, her imagination is very surreal, and she is obsessed with daytime soap operas. She is the only fairy to wear a hat, is never seen without one, and expresses an obsession with hats or anything she could potentially wear as a hat.

- Nazuka, Kaori (Japanese)

- Strassman, Karen (English)


She is associated with the season of winter. She is a somewhat distant character, with a slow, rambling personality. Hororo is always thinking about food and changing words into words of food that sound like them. A running gag of the series has her in love with Kururu, and a few scenes play up this subtext for comedic effect.

- Nonaka, Ai (Japanese)

- Sheh, Stephanie (English)


She is associated with the season of spring. Kururu plays the part of the hyperactive character, and what she imagines is often very extreme. Kururu often assumes a leadership role.

- Mizuki, Nana (Japanese)

- Fox, Sandy (English)


She is associated with the season of autumn. She is the tomboy of the group, so what she imagines tends to be fighting and sports related, or concerned with samurai or ninjas. While the other fairies wear feminine clothing in most of their fantasies, Sarara is consistently shown wearing masculine clothing instead.

- Horie, Yui (Japanese)

- Sampler, Philece (English)

- Supporting:


Kusachiho, the combined human form of all four Bottle Fairies is called Onee-chan by some fans and Uni-chan by others. Her name is a contraction of the fairies' names by using the first Japanese character of each. Predictably, she has what may be classified as dissociative identity disorder, and has the personality traits of all the Bottle Fairies. Which fairy is in control is indicated by the color of her eyes and her voice. Her color is orange. She only appears in the final two episodes.

- Horie, Yui (Japanese)

- Nonaka, Ai (Japanese)

- Nazuka, Kaori (Japanese)

- Mizuki, Nana (Japanese)


Oboro is a small feline toy with wings that was enchanted by the Bottle Fairies. Oboro is white. It floats gently up and down when it is not being held or played with (usually it plays with Hororo). He is a silent character, and has only one facial expression, the one that it was made with (generally suggested to be bored or exacerbated).

- Not found


- Nakamura, Chie (Japanese)


Sensei-san, who is never given a real name, looks after the bottle fairies. He is represented by the colors brown and green. It is given that his character teaches them things about the world, but his appearances in the series are rarely significant. However, a love letter in the third episode is a crucial plotpoint to the third episode. Though his job is never stated, the last episode shows that he is a teaching assistant at a university. Kururu also develops a crush on him by the end of the series, although it is hinted that the other fairies develop feelings for him as well.

- Taniyama, Kishou (Japanese)

- Lowenthal, Yuri (English)


Tama-chan is the (approximately 10 year old) next door neighbor of the Bottle Fairies and Sensei-san. She is represented by the colour purple and wears crayons in her hair with a large white ribbon down the back. She is happy to help the Bottle Fairies, who trust her (usually misleading) advice since she seems so self-assured. She occasionally expresses surprise at how childlike the fairies are even though they are supposed to be older than she is. Additionally, she is the mascot of the magazine, Magi-Cu.


As a side note, in episode 12 it is revealed that she is entering second grade, so around 7 would be a more accurate age for her.

- Momoi, Haruko (Japanese)

- Forstadt, Rebecca (English)

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