Chapter 15

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HELLO EVERYONE! Just wanna say this is more of a filler chapter, revealing things about the rest of the characters and blah blah haha:) i kinda wanna use this chapter to  finish the events in the school so when they get back to London, there will be new drama ahead. I didn't start on the next chapter yet but i have a feeling that it'll either be sad or ...idk but i'll make it good, PROMISE! OK vote, comment, know the drill :D THANK YOU TO ANYONE WHO COMMENTED,VOTED, & FANNED (there were comments that were amazing:D ) Ok love you guys lots<3 READING TIME NOW!

(hope you didn't forget about Alex! )

if you're disappointed in this chapter (aww whyyy?? ) then ...i don't know what i'll do :( haha have faith!

-Jacki xoxo.

Chapter 15

Louis’ P.O.V

Shaking off the annoyance from Harry’s teasing, I stormed out of the room. I can’t believe he just left me like that. Such a tease. 

Taking a good look around, I noticed that the frat house was still as chaotic as ever, with the students dancing hard and drinking. There will be many hangovers tomorrow no doubt. I scanned the area trying to catch a glimpse of Harry.

Where did he go?

I wandered around the house, stepping over scattered beer bottles and piles of trash. I was about to go upstairs to explore some more until I heard loads of moaning and shrieks that stopped me in my tracks.

Nevermind, I do not want to witness couples having sex.

Shaking my head, I turned a corner and bumped into someone. I managed to steady myself but the person must be too drunk since he/she fell to the ground with a thump. I peered down, trying to recognize the face. “Need some help…umm…?”

The person groaned and stood up carefully.


“Oh hey Louis.” His face turned fully towards me but I noticed his lop-sided grin along with the uncoordinated balance.

“Wow, you’re getting yourself wasted,” I said, taking in the sight of a close-finished beer bottle.

“You know, having some fun in college.” He just shrugged and his eyes darted everywhere like he couldn’t concentrate on anything.

“Yeah of course mate.” Just as he was about to pass me, I snatched his arm. “Hold on, you don’t want to talk?” I asked, unsure of this uncomfortable silence. It was a bit odd since I could usually strike an easy conversation with Alex. He seemed different tonight.

“Sure?” he inquired, looking curiously at me.

“Come and sit.” I gestured to some chairs nearby.

“No, just say what you need right now Louis.” His sudden change of tone took me by surprise. I furrowed my brows and stared at him in disbelief.

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