Chapter 40

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Caelum's P.O.V

"So she'll be okay?"

"We believe so, the medication is going great. She had another brief seizure last night so we want to keep her one or two more days." The doctor looked down at Caily in the small baby bed.

I fought back the tears for Lily's sake. My precious baby girl with tubes running in and out of her. Needles and wires and medicine. She looked more like a research project then someone's child.

"Can we spend some time with her?"

"She's very alert to her surroundings. Mrs. McGriffin, you tye to get a bottle feeding in." The doctor walked away and I walked over to Caily.

I grabbed her hand and her little fingers wrapped around my finger tight.

"You're going to be okay baby girl. Kay? Daddy loves you." I kissed the top of her forehead and smoothed her head down. Seven months.

I walked over to Lily hugged her to stop her crying.

"You have to be strong for her. You have to keep moving and show her how to never stop trying. How to never give up." Lily sobbed into my shoulder and I bit my bottom lip to stop the sobbing. I didn't want to cry, but tears slipped down my face.

"She's going to be okay right?"

"Of course, she has to be okay."

I kissed Lily's forehead and walked down the hallway to talk to the receptionist about paying.

"Mr. McGriffin!" I turned around to see Theodore running down the hospital corridor.

"Theodore? How are you? Look man-"

"Don't worry about. I heard about your daughter."


"Biggest thing that happened to this hospital in years. You'd be lucky to find someone not talking about it."


"I wanted to wish you and your family well. I know how it feels to have a sick child. It's not a good feeling."

"Thank you."

"Would you like to go out for some pie?"


"Yeah, I know a great pie shop."

"Yeah, whatever. I just don't-"

"Don't want?"

"I.... um..... I don't bat for that team."

"I don't understand."

"I'm straight."

He laughed.

"Of course you are."


"So when did you know you were gay?"

"When I was five."


"I denied though. I pretended to like girls and really I just wanted to kiss boys."

"When did you come out?"

"I unwillingly came out in High school. There was this bully that I thought was sexy as hell. He liked to call me gay and one day after school I kissed him. One of his friends took a picture and showed everyone. It was on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. You name it."

"Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram was around back then?"

" My space then, anyway, I walked along hallways and people would scream 'faggot'. Then I went to my locker in gym and they stole my gym pants and drew dicks all over them. I would go home at night and giant pictures of gay porn and 'faggot' would be written across my house wall. My mom went to the school and the principal showed her the picture. I ran away and stayed on the streets until I was eighteen."

"What happened then?"

"My mom said I could come back home if I proved I was straight. I met this girl and had a baby by her. We lasted for a year and she ended up pregnant."

"That was it?"

"Nope. Our little girl was two when she died. Ran out in front of a eighteen wheeler and they couldn't find the head of her body. She wasn't even able to identified. The all way we knew it was her was the bracelet I brought her for her first birthday."

"That's fucked up."

"Yeah, I came out after that. I left my family, went to college, and I've been on the run ever since."

"That's one fucked up life. You're brave."

"I try to be. Thanks for listening."

"Anytime," I held my hand out for him. "Friend."

He shook it.

"Friend." He agreed.

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