What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger 💪

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"Can you feel the love in the air?"

"Sisi where are you? You know my lunch break will be over soon." I spoke angrily into the phone_ "what? It's my own business so I can slack? If you slack at your office, I don't! I've given you 5 minutes to get here else Lari and I will leave." I warned and ended the call.

Lariba chuckled. "You really have become a hater for waiting on people." I shrugged, sipping my juice. "On a more serious note_"

"Mm mm, don't go there. I am not hearing another sermon on giving any one a second chance." I raised a hand ✋ up to silence her.

"But Eyi, he is sorry and I heard he's been calling you over and over yet you don't reply. He even asked me to give him your address_"

"Lariba!" I hissed.

"I didn't okay, don't crucify me." She mocked. "I'm still saying he is sorry. We all make mistakes. He even composed and sang a song just to apologize to you. Mentioned your name in it. The man loves you can't you see?"

I leaned close to her. "How many times have you convinced me to forgive PJay? Tell me Lari." I pressed when she simply swallowed. "If I forgive, he will do it again because he knows I will always forgive him."

"Yes, I know, Eyi but_"

"But nothing, Lari! The man will always be a manwhore. More importantly, I do not want to die from heartbreak when I can prevent it. Tell me, Lariba. Were you not there when Doc Hanson said yet another breakdown will make me lose my sanity? Have you forgotten the number of times I broke..." I drifted off, tears blurring my vision.

Lariba sighed then took my hands in hers. "I'm sorry but_" I tensed and she stopped. "I won't say anything again."

I was about to say something when someone called our names at once. "Finally, you show up."

"Hey, it isn't my fault. When you find yourself with the most handsome men, you've got to swoon." Sisi purred, looking at either side of her...

Wow! I exclaimed within. Lariba whistles softly_

"Hey, girlfriends that's rude. Stop ogling my men." Sisi tapped the one next to her, the leanest of the two. "This is my sweetheart called Ian and this is his friend, Kaifa. They are both half-castes, Liberians from the States." She introduced then turned to the men. "Ian and Kaifa, meet my best friends, Eyram and Lariba." She completed and sat down.

"Nice to meet you girls. We've heard a lot about you_ good stuff too." Ian said, sitting close to Sisi.

"It is indeed a pleasure." Kaifa murmured, sitting next to me. I could feel his gaze on me...

Weeks Later,
Afariwa Estates
(Within my Room)

"Yes, I'm with her. She did that?" Lariba glanced at me briefly. "You let me talk to her. Yes, later. Bye." She ended the call and faced me.

Sisi blinked. "What did that Casanova want?"

"Sisi, you too?" Lariba shook her head. "You are to help not be against."

"The man knows the way in and out of any skirt. What is there to help? Lariba, he needs to suffer. Suffer just as much as he put our Eyi through these years. Allow him to suffer." She stated begrudgingly and I patted her back in full support.

"So then I can give him hope_?"

"I really like Kaifa. He is nice and I think I need a fresh new start." I announced my decision I've been pondering over how to tell them_

"What?" Both shouted in unison.

"Yes, he even asked me to marry him last night." I replied with a shrug.

Sisi just stared. "Come again." Lariba said.

"You both heard me. I have moved on. He made me Stronger 💪 and I'm proud of myself. It wasn't easy but I made it. Thus, I won't let him break me again."

"But it's just been weeks since I introduced you to Kaifa." Sisi blinked again.


"You don't love him, Eyi." Lariba stated.

"I loved and what was my reward, near deathbed. Now I'm up and strong. No more going back to the Eyram of old. This is a new me."

"Marriage is too_ Lariba halted and came to sit beside me. Did you say yes?"

"Of course, I said yes."

"But you don't love him."

"I like him very much. He makes me happy and is faithful to me alone. If I don't know him that much, at least I know he doesn't say one thing today then another tomorrow."

"This isn't you, Eyi." Lariba whispered softly.

"Hello, you two are to support me here. For once show your loyalty to me where he is concerned."

They nodded after some time. "We have no choice but to support you." Lariba said.

"Yes, we will go with whatever you decide." Sisi seconded.

You feel what I am feeling?
Eyi and Kaifa.
Was she right in moving on despite PJay wanting a second chance?
Who knows!


FORGIVING HIM (A Second Chance)✓Where stories live. Discover now