EveryGirl Has a BreakingPoint

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"Where we have hope, we've got holes. Yet we carry on."
_ Passenger

Sisi's Mansion,

"Are you okay?" Lariba was intently watching me just as Sisi was.

I glanced at them then at the TV Africa then back. Suddenly, I threw my head back, laughing hysterically. I halted only to resume on a more serious manner.

"Eyram! Eyi!" My friends shouted repeatedly. I blankly stared at them till everything became blank...

"Doctor, how is she?" " What happened?" "Is she going to be okay?" I heard several voices inquire at once.

"Okay, everyone should calm down first_ This is why I said only three at a time." I heard an unfamiliar voice say.

Slowly, my eyes opened then closed a bit to adjust to the bright light. "What am I doing in the place meant for those not feeling well?"

"You even answered your own question." The bed dipped and Sisi's head came into view. " You, my dear, are currently a patient of Dr Mahmoud."

I mutely nodded, turning to this Dr Mahmoud. "Dr, what happened to me? I don't recall being ill or anything close."

The Dr sighed, coming to sit on my other side. "More often than not, we think love issues cannot cause dire illness. We refuse to believe that the emotional wellness of the heart births most psychological traumas_"

Please Dr Mahmoud just tell me what it is." I said, cutting him short.

Dr Mahmoud gazed at me for a while. "You suffered a nervous breakdown."

I stiffened then burst into laughter. "Me, nervous breakdown." I laughed some more.

"Yes, my dear..."

My friends and I reentered my house after seeing Hamza, Ray and Odonkor off. It's been days since I was discharged from the hospital but my well-wishers are not reducing.
Hamza, Ray and Odonkor were here two days ago yet, came again today_

"Lari, do you believe what Hamza said? Will he really call me? Is my having to go to the hospital make him to even call me? Then should I fall sick often_?"

Sisi double hit me on the back. "Are you nuts, Eyi?"

"You do realise that I just got out of the hospital?"

"No, you are now telling me." Sisi glared at me. "Don't think of falling for that crap Hamza said. He even doesn't believe his words. I say, forget that PJay and let's get you back in shape."

"He could be telling the truth though." Lariba reasoned in a small voice and I nodded.

"Eyi, you were to report to your accepted university four days ago but you had just been discharged from the hospital. You nearly missed your acceptance letter all because of some disappointing asshole who has long forgotten the letter that even starts your name. Sisi paused, inhaling deeply. Thank GOD you are fine now. Yet you still think mighty of him? What happened to that strong and unwavering Eyram I know?" She barked as we entered my room.

I sat on my bed, wrapping my arms about me. "He said I'm his one and only. PJay said he loves only me and he was being sincere. His eyes shone with love, Sisi and that was no making up. You know it too."

"Yes, I did. Sisi affirmed. However, that was once upon a time in fairytales, dearest friend. Not this 21st century, amazing world of ours where hooking and breaking up is like drinking water. She frowned for a bit. Yes, PJay loved you but now doesn't. Expiry date has set in_"

"Sisi!" Lariba snapped warningly.

"What? She has to be told the truth. Tell me both of you, when was the last time he called or answered any of our calls? Once upon in ancient times!" She mockingly sang.

I caressed my chest slowly. How do I simply forget. "Sisi, Dr Mahmoud was right, heartache can be lethal."

"You can fight this." She gently shook me, staring into my eyes.

I mutely nodded, comprehending. I need to not let this affect my education. I need to continue and put things in place for establishing my company. I silently vowed.

Indeed, every girl has a breaking point. And I thought I had already had mine but I was mistaken. In fact, I thought I had put it behind me yet it seems my heart didn't. Now here I am 😥 gazing at the Graphic's front page. Luckily for me, I was at home, in our living room. So as I saw the picture of PJay groping and 😘 kissing the Forbes celebrity model, I gratefully succumbed to the ground. My eyes shutting close just as my head collided with the ground.


"I thought you said she had a breakdown last time. Is it possible for it to happen again?" I heard my mom ask someone_

"She is waking." Dr Mahmoud sounded tired.

I opened my eyes and sat up with the help of the closest person, the Dr. "Do I need to be hospitalised, go to rehab or something, Dr?" I quickly questioned, wanting to know straightforward.

The Dr sighed. "You need counseling and we have one in this hospital who particularly specialises in emotional cases."

"Okay." I said simply.

"Just okay?" Sisi blinked while Lariba merely stared.

"Even before I lost consciousness, I had been thinking. I began, tears blurring my vision. I don't know what will happen if I am to go through yet another breakdown. I would like all the help I can get. I heard Every girl has a breaking point and that was it for me. I would like to live not worrying about someone who clearly is busy with his own life. I need to live mine. If he comes fine and if he doesn't, still fine. I won't let him get to me." I finished and the eyes on me smiled tightly. I lay back on the bed and closed my eyes. "Please, I will like to be alone for now."

Several voices chorused "okay" and left.

I slowly drifted off to sleep.

💠Author's Note,
Who has had an emotional breakdown down before? How did it feel?
Did you ever reach a breaking point in your life when you thought you could die and didn't give a damn? Or you maintained composure like Eyram and didn't let it get to you badly?
Tell me...


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