32. Out

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I can't eat nor concentrate on the seemingly calming conversation Ava has commenced at the table. As time passes my agitation grows and I become more and more paranoid. What if something bad has happened? What if somehow that bitch Candy has found a way to communicate with that bastard after the Riders and warned him? What if I am sitting here, protected and Runner lies bleeding out there?

That last thought unhinges my logic and I keep swaying back and forth, rubbing my hands on my jeans just to keep from screaming. I was at home that night when Salome died. Home wallowing in my own shit and never once thought that Salome was risking everything out there.

I can't go through it again. All I want is for Runner to be back and for all this to be over. Over so I can hold Runner and tell him how I feel about him. To tell him how much he means to me. That I love him.

On instinct, I turn to Candy that seems to be in a worse shape than I am. That is enough to calm my nerves. If she is so nervous, it means that her malicious plans have gone up in flames. But she is also a trapped animal which means she may still be dangerous.

"What do you say, Magda?" Lysa addresses me.

"What?" I can't even hide that I was not listening.

"You haven't been listening to a single thing we are saying. Stop worying. They are fine, they will be back," Lysa smiles back at me.

I look at all the Valkyries and I see that they all share the same sentiment. A mixture of fear, hope and strength that I too feel deep in my heart. If we wanted a quiet life, we would have picked accountants but we are not cut out for quiet. I nod at Lysa and I try to participate in the conversation they are having.


"God, I am exhausted," Iris yawns. "This agony is killing me and I got up too early."

"I got to check on Ariadne and maybe call it a night too. Not that I am going to have much sleep," Ava shakes her head and checks her phone for the millionth time. "Goodnight."

Iris and Ava get up and we say our goodnights before Lysa and I take our place down to our table. There is no way I am sleeping now. I can't settle till the damn reinforced door opens and Runner walks in safe and whole. Lysa feels the same way and we just sit there, pretending to talk about wedding shit while looking constantly at the door.

That's when Candy gets up and catches my eye. She is nervous and almost trembling and has her wide eyes pinned on the corridor. Shit, all my fighting instincts are ringing all the bells. I watch vigilantly as Candy vanishes down the corridor. She is going to take a piss, that's all, I try to calm myself down. Fuck, I know better.

"Got to go to the toilet," I get up suddenly.

"The nerves got you, too?" Lysa glances at the door.


I may be paranoid but better that than sorry. Let's hope it stays like that, I rush down the corridor and hit the common bathrooms first. No Candy. Shit, shit, shit. I Run to Bjorn's room where Ava is with her baby daughter. I knock on the door and moments after Ava opens.

"Everything OK?"

"Yeah," I look around looking for a threat but I sense nothing. "Do you need something?"

Ava drops her head and then glances at the sleeping baby on the bed.

"I need Bjorn. He needs to come back."

I swallow upon hearing her voice. No one would ever call the Queen of the Riders fragile but right now, that is exactly what she is.

"It's going to be alright," I make an attempt to reassure her. "If you need anything..."

Absolution (Riders Of Tyr #4 - MC Romance)Where stories live. Discover now