12. Honeycomb

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I am done with work at the porn studio and I getting ready to head out to the escort after I've grabbed a bite. The thralls are running errands for Vince and Wood and someone has to be guard at Venus Streak so I volunteered. Anything to be away from the clubhouse and the gym. Away from the possibility of seeing the fucking maid of honor again.

She seems to share the sentiment cause she stayed away too. Now, all I got to do is put up with her being at the wedding and this whole shit will be over. With enough booze and some bitch close, I think I might survive it.

"Runner," Cara follows me around in the office.


"What's wrong?"

"What the fuck do you mean?"

"Listen, Runner," Cara pulls closer. "I know I am not your girlfriend or anything."

"Great fucking insight," I get angrier by the second.

"But we had a good thing going on," Cara dares a hand on my chest. "We fucked good, didn't we?"

Her hand goes down my crotch and starts to caress a dick that refuses to come alive. I tighten my jaw and I am ready to tell her that she either works for me without that fucking bullshit or she can walk, when a voice cuts the air.

"Get your fucking hands off him!"

I look over Cara's shoulder and I see her. God Almighty. Magdalene is at the door and eyes Cara with malice. She is wearing a leather jacket and leather gloves on her hands. I liked the woman when she was dragged to be chained in our basement. Seeing her in leathers simply stops my heart and I don't think it will ever start beating again. 

Magda takes one step inside and tightens her leather-gloved fists, the sound of leather on leather filling the room. This is enough for my body to be alight. She doesn't even look at me and has her attention on Cara that cocks her waist and raises her eyebrow.

"And who the fuck are you?"

Magda is in her face and seethes like a wild beast. She is so fucking hot right now that I am barely holding back from taking her on this desk, right here, in front of Cara.

"I am the reason you'll have to explain to your plastic surgeon why you need to fix your nose. Again," Magda pokes a finger on Cara's chest.

Cara turns to me and I give her a cold look. I am not running to her aid. No fucking way. If she wants to challenge Magda, I will simply watch her having her ass handed to her.

"Fine!" Cara wisely walks out and closes the door.

I turn to Magda that is still watching Cara's retreating back with a hope that she will have an excuse to tear her to pieces. What the hell is going on here?

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