We're Square (Ch. 10)

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Kat woke up to the sound of yelling.

"What happened to the rum? What the bloody hell is wrong with you!" Jack yelled at Elizabeth as he flailed his arms everywhere.

"What is going on?" Kat said tiredly as she got up.

"Why is the rum gone?" He asked once again.

"It's a vile drink and that signal is over one thousand feet high. The entire Royal Navy is looking for me. Do you think there is the slightest chance that they won't see it?" Elizabeth said confidently.

"You're bloody crazy woman!"

"Just look, Captain Sparrow. You give it an hour, maybe two, keep a whether eye open, and you will see white sails on that horizon." Angry and frustrated, Jack pulled out his pistol and pointed it Elizabeth but decided against shooting her and shoved it back in the strap of cloth above his pants and trudged off.

"Someone's a little upset." Kat said as she walked up to Liz.

"He'll get over it once they come."


"Norrington of course." Liz shrugged and turned around feeding leaves to the fire.

"Norrington? You have got to be kidding me!" Kat groaned.

Liz nodded her head towards the horizon as she saw James Norrington's ship come in to view.

"Oh God." Kat sighed. The last thing she wanted was to answer to Norrington.

The three of them were eventually hauled on to the ship. It wasn't long until they were bombarded by Norrington and Governor Swann. Kat kept close to Jack for she feared for the pirates safety on board.

Surprisingly enough Norrington ignored Elizabeth and walked straight towards Kat grabbing her arms in his hands. "Are you alright Kat?"

Kat was so shocked by this sudden concern, "Y-yes I'm fine. Thanks to Jack of course." She smiled at Jack hoping that James would spare him of any charges if he had helped them.

"Let's just head back home where you two will be safe." The Governor piped up.

"We have to save Will!" Elizabeth and Kat yelled.

"No," Governor Swann argued, "You're safe now. We will return to Port Royal, not go gallivanting after pirates!"

"Please don't do this! Will put his life on the line to save us we have to go back!" Elizabeth yelled at her father.

"And to add input on a professional opinion," Jack added while stepping away from a pair of soldiers, "The Pearl was listing near to scuppers after the battle. It's very unlikely that either of them would make good time. Think about it." Jack paused, letting Norrington to think it through. "The Black Pearl. The last real pirate threat in the Caribbean, mate. How can you not pass that up?" He smiled.

"By remembering that I serve others, Mr. Sparrow," Norrington reminded not only Jack, but Kat as well, "Not myself."

"Please James for me! As a wedding gift!" Elizabeth quickly said.

"Elizabeth!" Kat said disbelieving.

Jack shouted something about loving weddings and their drinks when Norrington was still in deep thought. He finally said, "Mr. Sparrow, you will accompany these fine men to the helm and provide us with a bearing to Isla de Muerta. You will then spend the rest of the voyage contemplating all meanings of the phrase 'silent as the grave.'"

Jack was escorted away but no before glancing back at Kat and giving her a wink. Norrington must have seen it because he took the moment to escort both girls away.

"Why are you being so hard on him Commodore he saved our lives!" Kat yelled.

"No, his pirate friends are who put you in danger. May I remind you of who saved you from that island." James said.

For the next hour or so Kat and Elizabeth roamed around the deck thinking about Will. Well actually Liz was thinking about Will, Kat was thinking of a certain pirate on board. Jack Sparrow confused her to no end. When she was around him she felt confident and comfortable. She felt free. But, he was a pirate. How could Kat even think of trusting him?

The sounds of guns went off while Kat and Elizabeth were forced in to a room. It didn't take long for Elizabeth to come up with a plan to save Will.

Kat and Elizabeth managed to climb over board using the dresses the crew had provided for them as a rope while they both put on a large white blouse, boots, and slacks. Their efforts to get Gibbs and the crew to fight with then proved useless so Kat and Liz had to go to the cavern by themselves.

Upon reaching the cavern, Kat looked up to see Jack and Barbossa already fighting. Kat reached down a ripped a sword from its holster from one of the dead bodies and began to fight. Her efforts to fight well were hindered by the exhaustion that overcame her. When was the last time she actually slept in a bed?

Will, coming from the shadows joined in the middle of her fight, "When were you going to tell me that you weren't an actual human?" He asked while fighting.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier there just wasn't a way to say it!" Kat yelled out as she dodged a slash coming her way. "Will please forgive me we might not have a lot of time left to continue this fight!"

"Fine you're." He paused to shove a pirate down, "forgiven. But you owe me a favor remember that!" He said smiling her way.

She smiled back and looked up to the pile of hold where Jack was. She gasped at the sight before her. Jack too had no flesh and stood up as a skeleton.

"Interesting." She heard him say to Barbosaa before he began to fight again.

"Who's side is he on?" Kat heard Elizabeth as from behind them.

"At the moment?" Will joked.

The fighting went on and on until Kat heard a gun cock from behind her.

"Game over lassie." Barbossa's voice came cold.

Kat slowly turned around to see the scraggly bearded man had up a gun to her chest. "Oh my God." Her voice came softly.

"I wonder how many lives a mermaid has?" Barbossa sneered as his finder went around the trigger.

A gun shot racked the air and Kat shut her eyes tightly waiting for the bullet to hit her. After a few seconds she looked down and saw no hole in her chest.

Jack appeared behind Barbossa, his gun still blowing smoke off.

"Ten years you carry that pistol and now you waste your shot." Barbossa said with a disproving smirk.

On top of the hill, Will shouted, "He didn't waste it." Will opened his hand and two medallions covered in blood dropped into the chest, lifting the curse.

Then everyone turned their heads towards Barbossa who ripped his coat open to reveal his white shirt will blood seeping through.

"I feel...cold." Barbossa fell into a pile of gold. A green apple fell out of his hand. It was over.

Kat looked up and met her eyes with Jack's, "Thank you." She smiled.

"You saved my life I saved yours. We're square." Jack smirked.

"You already used that line before on the docks where we first met."

"Yes but I had saved your friends life not yours. Savvy?" Jack said as he went over to the gold.

"Absolutely." Kat smirked and made her way out of the cavern waiting for the others.

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