Ghost Stories (Ch.6)

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"We're gonna steal a ship?", Will said once his breathing was steady, then he looked where Jack was looking, the Dauntless, "That ship?"

"Commandeer, we're going to Commandeer that ship", Jack said pointing to the Interceptor, "Nautical term."

Will looked at him as if he suddenly had grown a third head, then Jack suddenly turned around and looked at Will, frowning a bit.

"One question about your business boy, or there'd be no use in going?" Jack said, "This girl, how far are you willing to go to safe them?"

"I'd die for them", he said confidently.

"Good no worries then!" Jack ran to the beach where some of the longboats laid upside down, he lifted one of them up and motioned to Will to come. Will ran toward Jack and the boat.

"Get under", Jack said. Jack and Will quickly went under. They waited a few seconds until a group of Marines had run by before they lifted the boat a bit and tried to run towards the sea edge.

"This is either madness", Will said once they were fully under water and walking on the bottom of the see. The boat they had turned upside-down worked as an air bubble, they could freely breath and the weight of the boat kept it down. "Or brilliance."

"It's remarkable how often those two traits coincide."

Meanwhile on the Black Pearl, Kat and Liz were both locked away in another room. Kat was sitting on the floor playing with the hem of her night dress.

"How could you be so calm?" Liz practically yelled at the shorter girl.

"What do you want me to do? Scream? Cry? There's no point in any of that. We are stuck on a boat with pirates all because you wouldn't take that damn necklace off." Kat said not looking up.

"I didn't ask you to come with me!" Liz retorted.

"You're so right! I volunteered to join you on this boat isn't that right?" Kat rolled her eyes. Elizabeth always expected Kat to have the answers or have a plan and while usually she did, this was not one of those times. Kat wondered why she was always in the wrong place at the wrong time.

"Well this is easy for you! All you have to do is jump out of this boat and swim back!"

"You could do the same."

"But it's different! You're a mermaid!

Kat's eyes opened wide at that, "Don't you dare bring that up."

"Why not? It's a bad thing!"

"You wouldn't know! Being a mermaid doesn't make me feel better! It makes me feel like a freak! It makes me feel like a liar! All I do is lie about who I am and where I came from and what I can do! Don't you dare bring that up like it's some sort of advantage!" Kat was fuming.

Elizabeth got quiet, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for all of this. I'm just scared."

"Trust me Liz I am too."

Just then, the doors creaked open and the two pirates, Pintel and Regetti emerged through carrying two dresses.

Elizabeth stood up quickly and walked over.

"You'll be dining with the captain," Pintel said holding the dresses towards Elizabeth and Kat, "And he requests you to wear this."

Elizabeth looked down at the dresses and back up at Pintel with a glare. "You tell the captain that we are disinclined to acquiesce to his request."

The pirates looked at each other with a smile. "He said you'd say that," Pintel told her. "He also said if that'd be the case, you'll be dining with the crew. And you'll be naked." Regetti started to laugh.

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