Wrong Blood (Ch.7)

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Will was now returning from Tortuga with Jack and his 'able bodies crew'. Will wished more than anything that Kat and Elizabeth were okay. Two beautiful women on a ship with immoral pirates could go very bad.

"Mate what are ye thinkin about?" Jack asked him from the top of the deck where he was steering the boat. "About your lass Elizabeth eh?" Jack smirked. The boy was so in love and so stupid. "I blame ye not. I spend loads of time thinkin about Kat. Her eyes, her smile, her.. Bodus." He smirked.

"Hey!" Will yelled, "Don't talk about Kat like that. What is it you want with her?" Will climbed up the steps to meet Jack.

"Jus' to save her. Is that so bad mate?"

"If you so much as put a hand on her-"

"Listen mate lemme make this clear for ye. I am Captain Jack Sparrow. And I could care less about anyone's feelings or any woman for that matter. If I am this interested in a woman I met only once I do believe it means something. Would ye agree?" Jack said keeping his eyes glued forward.

Will nodded silently. And went back to his work. He'd worry about Jack and Kat once they saved the girls.

On the Black Pearl, Elizabeth and Kat finally managed to get some sleep after a horrifying night. They were greeted by Ragetti and Pintel in the morning who told them they had arrived on to Isla De Muerta.

The girls were dragged up and taken to the island following Barbossa. Kat's heart began to race as she followed. She had no idea what to expect.

The entered the cold cavern and were greeted by gold. Everywhere. Kat saw the treasure chest in the middle stacked on piles of golden jewelry. Elizabeth was pulled up to the treasure chest with Barbossa while another man gagged Kat and held her firmly down below the pile of treasure.

Jack and Will had rowed up to the island as well.

"The pirates code?" Will asked, referring to an earlier conversation that had taken place between Gibbs and Jack.

"Whoever falls behind is left behind." Jack responded quietly.

"No heroes amongst thieves?" Will said angrily.

"For someone who resents pirates so much you are well on your way to becoming one." Jack said rolling his eyes.

"Excuse me?"

"You sprung a man from jail, commandeered a ship of the fleet, sailed with a buccaneer crew out of Tortuga, and completely obsessed with treasure." Jack said getting up and walking towards one of the holes in the cavern.

"You're wrong. I am not completely obsessed with treasure." Will stated.

Jack peered out the hole and saw the two girls he had been looking for along with the crew who had betrayed him. His eyes landed on Kat who was gagged and was being held tightly against her will. "Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate." He said, still looking at Kat.

"For ten years we've been tested and tried," Barbossa shouted to his men, "and each man of jack of you here has proved his mettle a hundred times over and a hundred times again!" The crew roared and held up their weapons and torches.

"Suffered, I have!" Regetti agreed from the middle of the crowd.

"Punished, we were, the lot of us. Disproportionate to our crime! Here it is!" The captain kicked off the lid of the chest, revealing the identical gold underneath of the medallion that Elizabeth wore around her neck. He ran his hands across the gold. "The cursed treasure of Cortez himself."

Kat was beginning to get sick. They were actually going to kill Elizabeth. She couldn't do anything about it. Her heart was beating out of her chest.

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