14 Years Later (Ch.2)

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14 Years Later:

"Elizabeth wake up!" Kat yelled at her friend. She laughed as she ripped the covers from Elizabeth.

"Kat please not today! It's far too early to be up!" Elizabeth groaned rolling over.

"Liz it's almost noon so it's time to get up! Besides you know what day it is today." Kat laughed as she pulled open the curtains for Elizabeth.

"Is it your birthday because I recall celebrating your 22nd birthday a few months ago." She laughed as she tossed a pillow at Kat.

"Liz today is the day of Norrington's promotion. Also known as the day Commodore Norrington will propose to you." Kat laughed again but internally she groaned. She felt bad that her best friend was already set up to marry someone as stiff as James Norrington. He was a good man but far too strict for Kat's liking. Plus James wasn't too fond of Kat either. He found that her wild and overly joyous behavior was at times annoying and distracting.

"Oh yes how could I forget." Liz rolled her eyes as the other maids helped her get ready. Kat began to exit the room. "Wait Kat! You're coming to this party right?"

"Liz I'm just the maid I don't go to these lavish parties! You know that!" Kat said leaning again the wall.

"I'm afraid I know of no such thing! Maid or not you are my best friend and I refuse to attend this party without you." Liz said directing this statement towards the rest of the maids so that they may help Kat get ready.

The maids quickly got another dress and corset prepared for Kat. As much as Kat resented Liz for making her go to this party with her she still obliged. Today was a big day and she'd rather not miss it. The maids finally finished Kat's preparation. They dressed her and a dark blue ball gown. It was beautiful and hung to her perfectly. Mostly thanks to her corset which was suffocating her. Her hair was left down. Kat wanted some freedom about her and the feeling of her curly hair belong through the wind was the perfect solution.

She got ready before Liz and ran downstairs in a very 'unladylike' manner the Governor added. She ran straight in to her other best friend Will Turner.

"William!" She quickly hugged her friend.

"Katherine, what have I told you about using my full name. It makes us seem like we are strangers when we are in fact, not." Will said hugging her back tightly.

"Back at you Will!" She smiled and began talk about their sword fighting practices. Will thought it would be best to teach her how to fight just to be safe. Kat didn't particularly care for sword fighting but she didn't anyways to please Will.

Their conversation was put on hold as Elizabeth descended down the stairs. "Will! I had a dream about you last night!" She exclaimed as she lit up seeing him. It was so obvious to Kat that they loved each other which is what made her resent Norrington even more.

"About me?" Will asked shocked.

Smooth Liz really smooth.

"About the day we met, do you remember?"

"How could I forget Ms. Swann." Will responded politely.

"How many times must I ask you to call me Elizabeth?"

"At least once more Ms. Swann."

"See at least someone has propriety. Now I see Ms. Williams with this beautiful dress you have you will be accompanying us to the ceremony, yes?" Governor Swann asks.

"Yes if that is fine with you." Kat responds respectfully.

"Of course it is now let's go!" Liz hooked her arms in Kat's and proceeded to their carriage.

The ride was mostly Elizabeth gushing about how great Will was much to Governor Swann's dismay.

Upon their arrival Elizabeth descended gracefully out of the carriage as opposed to Kat who kept out with no help and stumbled in to someone before regaining her balance. Laughs erupted from everyone around her including herself. However James Norrington whom she had stumbled in to wasn't laughing.

"Ms. Williams. I see you have decided to accompany the Swann's." He stated slightly annoyed.

"Well I had to seeing as I must have missed getting an invitation from you. I'm sure it got lost on it's way to me, yes?" Kat retorted with a smirk.

"Now now best behavior Ms. Williams." Governor Swann said smiling and walking off with Norrington.

"Kat do you have a death wish?" Liz laughed dragging her friend away. "He is the Commodore now you can't try his patience anymore!"

"Liz he is so uptight about everything! He only hates me because I'm not exact opposite of what he wants in a human being. He wants everyone around him to agree to his every word and follow orders like machines! I will annoy and bother him until I get him to crack." Kat responded frustratedly.

Liz shook her head and pulled Kat to different people getting her to socialize. A girl like Kat was one in a million and Liz knew it. She was a lovable person and anyone who didn't love her (Norrington) was too close minded. Everything about Kat screamed joy and freedom whether it be for better or for worse. People loved Elizabeth because she was refined and classy. People loved Kat because she wasn't. Kat was a person who wasn't afraid to be who she is no matter the consequences. That is why everyone including Liz loved her.

After some time of socializing Norrington finally came over to take Elizabeth away. Elizabeth could hardly breathe at this point with the corset restricting her of any and all oxygen.

To be quite honest Kat didn't care enough to go listen to their conversation. She knew what was coming and she would do every possible thing to avoid dealing with it. Kat continued to joke around with the other people who were at the party until she heard a splash in the water followed by Norrington's scream for Elizabeth.

That idiot let her fall in to the water.

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