A Mess (Ch.5)

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Will ran up to Norrington the next morning when he'd woken up, "They've taken Elizabeth and Kat!"

"Mr. Murtogg, remove this man." Norrington said without looking up.

Will struggled against the grip of the men attempting to get him away, "We have to hunt them down! We have to save them!"

"And where do you suppose we start? If you have any information of my daughter and Kat's whereabouts please do share." Governor Swann said.

"Jack Sparrow! He's talked about the Black Pearl!" One of the men said.

"Yes you see! Ask him where it is! He's a pirate he must know something!" Will yelled desperately.

"No," Norrington sighed, "The pirates who invaded last night made no attempt to save Jack Sparrow and therefore have to alliance with him. He has none of the information we need."

"We must do something!"

"The Governor will establish them in the most likely cause to-"

"That's not good enough!" Will yelled.

"You are not a military man or sailor. You are a blacksmith." Norrington grabbed Will's arm and began leading him away. "Do not make the mistake of thinking you are the only man who cares for Elizabeth and Kat."

"You could care less for Kat. That's why you're not going. You don't want to bring her back!" Will yelled, anger filling him. Kat was his best friend and that meant more to him then he could ever express.

"Watch your mouth Turner. My relationship with Kat is none of your business. I care for both woman deeply. I want to make Elizabeth my wife and where I stand with Ms. Williams is none of your concern. Do not and I repeat do not think for a moment that I do not care for Kat." With that Norrington shoves Will away.

Jack Sparrow laid on his cell floor and looked around chuckling to himself. He'd done a lot of stupid things but it was interesting how all of that lead to this moment where he would sit in a cell just by being hit over the head with a drunk mans rum bottle. He thought his day in Port Royal over and over again. While he could have thought about his escape, or that girls medallion he could only think of the short girl with the black curly hair and brown in-captivating eyes. Kat, as they called her. She was so, interesting. So different. So beautiful. He was brought out of his thoughts by the blacksmith's voice.

"You, Sparrow." William came over to his cell.

Jack lifted his head lazily, "Aye?"

"You are familiar with that ship, The Black Pearl?"

"I've heard of it." He rested his head again.

"Where does it make birth?

"Where doesn't it make birth. Have you not heard the stories?" Will stayed silent so Jack continued, "Captain Barbossa and his crew of miscreants sail from the dreaded Isla de Muerta, it's an island that can not be found expect by those who already know where it is."

"The ship is real enough. Therefore it must be a real place! Tell me where it is!"

"Why ask me?" Jack asked.

"Clearly because you're a pirate."

"And you want to turn in to a pirate yourself?"

"Never!" Will shouted horrified, "They have taken Ms. Williams and Ms. Swann."

Jack sat up at that. "Ah so you have found a girl! Now which one is it? The tall skinny one with her nose stuck in the air or the shorter slim/curvy one with an attitude?" Jack knew which answer her wanted to hear. Ms. Williams being available only gave him more incentive to help the desperate lad.

"Does it matter?"

"You've got no idea mate." Jack looked at Will seriously.

"Ms. Swann is the one I truly worry for. But Kat is still my best friend. I need to find them both."

"Perfect! Now get me out of here!" Jack stood up and watched as Will lifted the door open. "Now what is your name?"

"Will Turner."

"Will. Short for William I imagine, good strong name. A name after your father yes?"

"...Yes?" Will answered hesitantly. "Jack we don't have time for this let's go!"

"Not without my effects!" Jack said as he swiped his things off the bench and made his way in front of William.

This is going to be a mess, Will thought as he followed the pirate out of the cellar.

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