New Home & New Being (Ch.1)

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"Yer father has a debt to be paid. Since he has no money you'll just 'ave to do." The filthy smelling man said to Kat as he continued rowing his small boat to Isla De Los Sueños.

Kat sat quietly fighting back the tears in her eyes. She didn't remember anything. She didn't remember who she was or how she got here. All she knew was her first name and her age. That's it. The man who had taken her away talked about her father a lot. She didn't even know who he was. Obviously he didn't care much for her if he let her go that easily.

"Aren't little 8 year olds such as yerself supposed to be chatty?" The man questioned as he finally made port on the island.

Kat remained silent and climbed out of the small boat. The man grabbed her arm and dragged her along. She looked around at the many people around her. The woman here were either blonde and caked with makeup or brunette with raggedy clothes and dull hair.

Kat herself had black hair and brown eyes. Plain but still enchanting. More mysterious than enchanting. She herself had never thought anything of her looks she wasn't like other girls. Everything that seemed to be a big deal for them wasn't for her. She didn't care for being courted by the most handsome boy in the school yard or about what dresses to wear. She didn't belong anywhere. She didn't fit in. She was a free spirit who wanted nothing more than to love and be loved.

"Where are we?" She questioned the man softly.

"This is a quick stop to pick up a few things. Make yerself useful and go fetch us some water." He spat on the floor and shoved a bucket in to her hands. He wiped his filthy brow and walked in to a bar.

Kat slowly walked along the island trying to find water. The island was full of people. Correction, full of whores and pirates. She timidly walked about until a woman caught her arm.

"You child," she slurred, "who are ye?" She asked. The woman had dark skin a a few dreadlocks framing her face. She spoke in a slurred manner and her eyes had a certain laziness and mystery to them.

"I'm Katherine but I prefer Kat." Kat answered shyly.

"Well Kat what be yer last name? Where be the yer father?" The woman inquired.

"I'm not sure." Kat responded quietly.

"Not sure of yer last name or of yer fathers whereabouts?"

"I'm not see of either. I don't know my last name and I don't know my father."

The woman nodded her head slowly and starting walking in circles around Kat observing her. The woman was drawn to her. She had plans of her own that day but those were out the window. This little girl was her only focus. She did not belong on this island. In fact she didn't even belong in this human form she thought. The closer she observed the girl the more her mind became clouded. She was plain yet extraordinary. Her back hair had slight curls to them and her eyes were captivating. This little girl, Kat as she called herself, had a sort of destiny about her.

"You my child are in the wrong place."

"I know. But I'm not exactly sure where the right place for me is." Kat responded honestly.

"Ye are special Kat. Ye don't belong here nor there. Yer future is filled with adventure and struggle. Ye aren't meant to be one thing or be in one place. Yer path will take you everywhere and everywhere shall be yer right place." The woman said kneeling in front of Kat.

"I don't understand." Kat shook her head. This woman said a lot of nonsense. All she really needed to do right now was try to find water but this woman put her on a completely different track. Kat may not have had her mind straight just then but if there was one thing she knew for certain it was that this woman was in no way normal.

The woman pulled Kat to her and placed her hands on her legs. "Yer no singular thing darlin. By land you shall be one thing and by sea another. Ye will swim the seven seas and ye will find yer way." The woman let her go looking in to her eyes. Kat was confused as to what had just happened. The woman grabbed her hand and walked her over to the dock.

"Don't stop swimming until the sun peaks on the horizon do ye understand child?" The woman said. Kat quickly nodded and dove in the water. She felt her legs stick together and her entire body was swallowed up by bubbles. After a few seconds she looked down at herself.

She had transformed in to a mermaid. Her panic quickly took over as she started looking around for the woman. She had disappeared. Unaware of what to do next she swam and swam. Her new form made her feel at peace. She went forward without a care in the world what only seemed like a few minutes turned in to a few hours. She began to tire and again panic. The sun was coming up on the horizon and she wasn't sure where to go.

Kat looked forward and saw a port. She quickly swam over and began to pant heavily. The woman may have turned her in to a mermaid but she was still part human and therefore needed rest. Kat gasped as she drug half of her body on to shore.

She had only rested her eyes for a few minutes before she heard a fearful gasp. She looked up and saw a girl seemingly her age. The little girl ran up to Kat and pulled her out.

"You're a mermaid!" She gasped as she looks over Kat. Kat slowly turned back in to a human after drying off a little. The little girl quickly draped her over coat of Kat to cover her from the cold.

"My name is Elizabeth Swann. What is your name?" Elizabeth inquired as she looked over at the girl.

"My name is Kat. I'm not sure what my last name is of where I'm even from." Kat said covering herself with the girls coat.

"Elizabeth sweetheart where are you?" A mans voice called.

"That's my father Governor Swann. I will take care of you Kat. Do not worry." Elizabeth said as she helped her new friend up.

"Who is this Elizabeth?" Governor Swann asked looking at the girl Elizabeth had found.

"Her name is Kat Williams and she is going to stay with us." Elizabeth stated to her father as she proceeded walking Kat to her new home.

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