Will To The Rescue? (Ch. 8)

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"Care to share whatever plan you have?" Kat whispered to Jack as she was hauled on to the Black Pearl.

Jack ignored her and kept walking forward until they were thrown in the brig together.

"You're absolutely insane you know that right?" Kat sat down and crossed her legs folding her arms over her chest.

"And you're absolutely breathtaking you know that right?" He said looking down at her from where he was standing.

"Flattery will get you no where Jack Sparrow." She looked at him hard.

"If you're going to call me by my full name luv then call me Captain Jack Sparrow."

"I would call you Captain Jack Sparrow but seeing as how there your in the brig with me and Captain Barbossa is sailing your ship I wouldn't say you've earned the title." Kat said snarkely.

"Feisty, stubborn, witty, and gorgeous. And William wonders why I am interested in you." Jack said nonchalantly.

"What's your story Jack? Why are you so hated by all of these pirates?" Kat asked solemnly.

"Being the most famous pirate in the Spanish main will do that to a person luv." He paused and smirked at her, "What about you Ms. Williams? Something tells me there's a lot in your story."

"N-no I'm just plain Kat. Nothing special Elizabeth is the special one."

"I don't believe that for a second. Who's your father?" Jack said leaning against the cell.

"Who's yours?" Kat retorted.

"Why avoid the question Kat?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Why ask it in the first place?"

He smiled at her showing off his gold teeth, "Interesting.."

Kat opened her mouth to say something but was cut off by the sound of cannons pounding against the ship.

"Stop blowing holes in my ship!" Jack yelled.

The floor started filling up with water slowly. Kat looked down and her heart stopped. She jumped on to the bench trying not to get wet. The last thing she needed was to turn in to a mermaid here in front of Jack.

"What's the matter with you? Afraid of a little water?" Jack said jokingly.

"You have no idea." Kat responded.

Jack walked over to the cell door and opened it easily.

"Are you kidding me?" Kat said disbelievingly.

"Well come on lassie we have to go!" Jack yelled.

"Jack please carry me! M-my ankle hurts I can't walk!" Kat said trying to figure out a plausible lie.

Jack was extremely confused because she seemed fine but he didn't really care for any excuse. Hell she was asking him to carry her. Was he really going to reject the chance to carry Kat in his arms like a bloody hero? He quickly went over and lifted Kat in to his arms making sure to slightly feel her arse.

He's a pirate and a man can you blame him?

"Hey watch your hand!" Kat gasped. Jack Sparrow could be a real pig.

"Sorry luv it slipped." Once they got on the deck Jack put Kat down. She began running around looking for Elizabeth. So much for hurting her ankle, Jack thought to himself.

Jack disappeared to go find the medallion. The entire ship was chaos. Everyone was fighting and screaming. Kat quickly ripped a sword off a body and joined the fight. Thank God for Will who had taught her how to sword fight.

The fight went on and on until she heard Barbossa yell, "Hope has been restored gentlemen!"

Kat looked over to see Jack by Barbossa's feet. Clearly he had lost the medallion to Barbossa.


Kat turned around to see Elizabeth run towards her and hug her.


"I am so sorry for leaving you in there with those pirates! Will and I tried to get you but it was too late!" Elizabeth said sadly.

"It's fine Liz, I'm fine! Wait where's Will?" Kat said looking around for her other best friend.

An explosion erupted from the other ship.

"WILL!" Elizabeth screamed.

Kat's heart dropped and she felt tears spill out of her eyes. Her best friend just died trying to save them.

Elizabeth jumped on to Barbossa and began screaming at him.

"It seems ye had taken advantage of our hospitality last time, it seems only fair for ye to return the favor." Barbossa laughed and tossed her to his crew. They began to grab and pull at Elizabeth.

"No! Let her go!" Kat screamed running towards her but Jack caught her hand pulling her back.

"Barbossa!" A voice came from the side of the ship.

"Will." Both Kat and Elizabeth whispered as they smiled.

"The girls go free." Will said catching Kat's eyes.

"What's in your head boy? You've only got one shot and we can't die." Barbossa said eyeing Will.

"Don't do something stupid." Jack whispered from behind Kat.

"You can't but I can!" Will held the gun to his head.

"Like that." Jack said irritably.

"Who are you?" Barbossa asked.

"No one! He's no one! 2nd cousin of my aunts twice removed! Lovely singing voice! Very Eunuch." Jack said running up to Barbossa.

"My name is Will Turner. Son of Bootstrap Bill Turner. His blood runs through my veins." Will responded ignoring Jack.

"He's the spitting image of old Bootstrap! Come back to haunt us!" Ragetti said.

"On my word do as I say or I'll pull the trigger and be lost to Davvy Jones locker!"

"Name your terms Turner." Barbossa said approaching him.

"The girls go free!"

"Yes I know that what else."

Will looked around until his eyes landed on Jack who was pointing to himself. "A-and the crew are not to be harmed!"


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