Hell Part Fourteen

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Heyyyyyy my lovers! Thank y'all so much for reading and loving this story. I hope y'all keep reading and loving and never giving up on me!

This is dedicated to @JulietTomlinson :)

Enjoy peaches! Xx


B a r b a r a

Sly touches on my thigh, annoying tickles to my sides, pokes to my cheeks, and more touches along my body. Of course not my personal areas or someone would get slapped.

I swear it was like I was back in high school with immature, stupid boys.

I nearly shouted in praise when they get up to leave. I couldn't stand them anymore. Like really I was beyond over their behavior. Niall wasn't as bad as Zayn but both still annoying.

"I'm gonna walk them down." Louis stands with them.

"Okay..." I mumble.

"Bye babe." Zayn goes in to kiss my cheek but Louis was quick to push him away from me. He just laughs, gives me a wave and then goes out the door.

"Bye Barb. See you later." Niall gives me a quick hug then follows after Zayn.

"Be right back." Louis says before hopping out the door and shutting it.

I go back into the living room and gather up all the trash and pieces of food that spilt on the table and on the floor. After I cleared all the empty bottles I laid down on the couch enjoying the peace and quiet.

I took my phone out of my bra and opened up my iBooks so I could get some reading in. Mara Dyer is one weird chick, and where can I find my Noah. If I had her skill or power everyone the ever talked to me would be dead. I'm seriously annoyed by everyone. Okay, no that's sounds a bit crazy. I've never wished anyone was dead I just wish my power was that I like hurt them, but not to bad. Just to like make them trip or something.

After daydreaming what it'd be like to have my own powers I realized about 30 minutes has past. Not that I think anything bad happen but I was curious as to what was talking Louis so long. He did just say he was walking them out.

I sat up off the couch and tip toed to the door. Just in case he was like standing in the hallway I peaked my head slowly out so I can scan the perimeter.

Once I saw no one nor heard anyone I stepped out of the apartment and made my way to the stairs. I couldn't chance him seeing me if he got out of the elevator so I ran down the stairs.

Mental note: Start working out more. I swear I thought my heart was gonna explode. Once I caught my breath I made my way over to the side exit just in case he was standing out in the front or something. I felt like a secret agent or some spy. Pretty cool.

I walked out into the warm night air and did another perimeter search. It was clear so I walked along the side of the building towards the front. I leaned my back against the wall and slowly crept my head around the corner trying to see what was going on.

I see the back of Louis's beanie cover head, standing beside what I can make out as Zayn. I don't see Niall so I'm assuming he must have taken off already. I couldn't see what they were doing but they were laughing about something really funny.

I slowly crept towards them and hid behind a mail drop off box. Some passing people gave me curious glances but didn't pay too much attention.

"Please tell me you're hitting that bro." Zayn leans against Louis and lets out a high laugh.

"Come on bro. You know a man never talks about bed room activity." He laughs his ass off as if it was the funniest thing he's ever said. He turns slightly towards Zayn and that when I see whats been causing their careless behavior. In between his 2 fingers was a small white stick. And it wasn't neatly wrapped like a cigarette but more short and lumpy.

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