Fuck What I Said. (Lol)

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"J-josh? What are you doing here?" Tyler said a bit taken back.

"What am I doing here!? What are you doing here?!" Josh was angry. He had never been so mad. All four were about to fight in the small elevator but Brendon suddenly had a great idea.

"I know I'm a bit out of my place," he paused and looked at Tyler, "but I have a great idea."

The other three males looked at him.

"Let's all fuck?"

Tyler and Ryan were both taken back, Josh was stunned.

The elevator opened to reveal the lobby but Tyler pressed a button he had pressed the previous night. All four quietly shuffled to the correct hotel room when they were at the right floor.

"Let's do this."

I know, I am such a shit person but hey, you still read. Anyway , I'm back for good this time. Expect some chapters in the near future! Enjoy!

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