[2] Hero too

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Baby, i could build a castle.
Out of all the bricks they threw at me.


"Holy mother of god..." I gasped.

Right now i'm lying on the ground with the avengers all over me like i were Loki in avengers 1.

"What do we do?" My sweet, cinnamon roll Peter Parker asked his precious dad Tony Stark. Oh my god, he's so handsome, cute and pure in real life.

Wait? Is this real life? No. I have to be dreaming!

"Do you think she's hydra?" Tony asked the crew, i want to touch his facial hair just to know what it feels like.

"She's just a kid, Tony." Steve said, oh my god, he's so tall and handsome as hell.

"We should send her to the shield." Tony suggested.

Wait. Send me to shield. Are they really think i'm hydra when they're fictional characters?

"I'm not hydra!" I yelled.

"Oh. So you can speak." Sam asked.

"Yes, Sam." I admitted.

"You know my name?"

"You're popular, Falcon."

Sam looked at me then looked at his mates, he started to be terrified about me knowing things.

"She's a treat, we should probably get rid of her." Bucky said.

Wait, Bucky said that?

My babe Bucky wanted to get rid of me, this is my nightmare.

"No! Bucky! Don't get rid of me! I have nothing to do with all this! I don't even know how i get here!" I stood up and almost fell back down, Peter came to help me stand, the closer you look at him, the more you're glad his parents weren't using condom.

"I don't think she's Hydra, i let Friday digging her information up, I found nothing." Tony told Steve.

"Karen didn't find anything too." Peter added.

"She doesn't look like a killer or a spy neither." Natasha said, damn, i just noticed she's blonde already, that ass too.

"Hm, guys. I'm standing right here..." I tried to get some attention, maybe just to assure that i'm no treat, and i'm the one who supposed to be confused the most here.

"I still think we should hand her over, let them deal with her." Bucky said.

"Yeah. That's for the best." The rest of them started to agree. Oh, no, I don't like the sound of that.

"Let send her away, we don't have to deal with this."

"Alright, let's do that."

"Do we need to knock her out first?"


I shouted out, every of them were speechless as I realized that was the dumbest thing to do, but i can't let them take me away, at least in this dream i trust them better than those agents.

"I think we should better send her to the hospital..." Sam told Tony.

"No, i'm not crazy! I know things. I know everything about you guys." I tried to walk closer to them but Bucky held his gun up at me, why is everybody against me, i'm going to cry.

Peter Parker x Reader | Wrong world !Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя