[17] Peeta not Peter

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If you're single that's actually worse,
'Cause you're so gorgeous it actually hurts.


Depressed Potato's pov

I kissed Peter Parker.

I kissed Tom Holland.

I kissed Spider-man.


I smiled all the way back to the Sanctum Sanctorum next to Peter in the backseat who was smiling too. Thor was very uncomfortable and confused about what was happening between us.

   It was so quiet, everything was so quiet, but quietly soft, quietly peaceful. Even more quiet when Peter was brave enough to reached his hand out for mine and held it.

   Not a word to say next, not like i want to speak about the kiss with Thor joining the backseat anyway. So Peter and I held hands and looked around the view of Hong Kong city.

   I watched the sun came up, knowing he was watching me.

   "Does it looks different...?" He asked softly.

   "What looks different?" I asked back

   "The sun."

   "The same. Everything looks almost the same, but feel so much different." I replied.

   I almost exploded by happiness when he decided to lay his head on my shoulder. "Don't you miss it there? Your family... or pets, or friends?"

   "Sometimes, yeah. But after all it felts like living the dream, so i would say, no, this is a miracle. Picture yourself in a star wars franchise, Peter. You like star wars right?"

   "It would be awesome, but if I get stuck in the star war universe then i would definitely miss you."

   I'm freaking out who told this child to be this sweet.

   "Do you like me?" I asked, i mean we kissed and all but i needed to hear it from him, who in the world will ever like me? And how did Peter Parker like me?

   "Very much." He said simply then asked. "Do you like me?"

   "Duh i love you like pig loves not being bacon. You're my daydream from where i came from remember? A dream of million girl's heart, we would kill to marry you like hunger games."

   "But i'm not him." His voice sounded sad.

   "People know you too, as a character, we loves you."

   "But i'm not real in the world you came from. You loved me but I wasn't real, i was thinking if your feelings for me in this world is real or not real."

   "Was it because i talked about hunger games that you started talking like Peeta?"

   "Talk like myself?"

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