[16] Oops

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Spinning like a girl in a brand new dress,
We had this big wide city all to ourselves.


Even with 60% of Peter's actual power this little shit is very strong, he grabbed your wrists and trying to drag you with him as You continued shouting for your Peter to come help.

With all these flashing lights and loud music there was no sign of Peter. Peter's clone was so done of the way you trying to get loose so he lifted you up and carried you over his shoulder.

"Oh My GoD." You told yourself this is just 60 percent of Peter's actual power and he lifted you like you were a toy. "Put me down!!"

Peter's clone didn't reply, he just walked right to the back of the club, kicked the door out and threw you into a puddles on the ground.

"Was that necessary?! God you villains character have to be overacting all the time you could just put me down to the ground--"

You got punched right in your cheekbones by his fists that it made you see the string of lights welcoming you from heaven for the first two second you got smacked.

Brutally, he straddled on top of you, pulling the collars of your shirt up, forcing you to stare at his face inches a part, then asked you like a robot who was programmed to say so.

"How to activate your power."

"What power?!"

"(Y/n) (L/n)'s power, the power to know the information of the avengers, past, present and future."

"Haha, you guys did my clone and nothing happened to her, yeah? I told you i don't have any power, it is my memory! Ough--" He moved his hand to your neck and shoved you to the ground.

"How to activate your power."

"You're choking me-- fake ass Peter--" You tried to reach out for air but he was too powerful. It could've been hot like fifty shades and all but you were dying so no, it was terrifying.

"How to activate your---"

Peter's clone flew across the street as he was kicked by real, actual, the one and only Peter Parker.

"Don't touch her!!" He yelled, running right at his clones. Another Peter wasn't so scared and so they started a fight at the back of the nightclub's alley.

You were trying to catching your breath for a while then finally be able to stand up. You thought Peter will definitely win but the fight between Peter and Peter's clone was quite a nail-biting fight.

Maybe because Peter got hurt every time he got hit but the clone one didn't seem to feel any pain at all.

You wanted to do something so you look around and found a rusty old pipe, you stealth in during their fight, waiting until it was a perfect moment then hit him in the head.

"Aw! Why did you do that!?"

"Oops. Sorry. Wrong Peter."

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