[26] Confusion

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I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 22.
Everything will be alright, if you keep me next to you.


I heard birds singing.

But birds around my house were lazy pieces of shit so they didn't sing.

So I guess this is not my house?

"Hm..." I got up slowly, all the pain... heaviness, and blood was gone. My body was as active as Bruno Mars in That's What I like.

I looked around. I didn't recognize this place, I've never been here, maybe it's some hotel? My weary eyes spotted something next to me.


What the fuck is going on, why is Tom's beloved doggo sleeping next to me.

I patted her head and Tessa opened her eyes, licking my fingers like she knew me well. Then Thomas Stanley Holland walked out of the bathroom with no shirt.

"Oh. Morning." He said, oh god look at that hair. I tried not to scream.

"..." I was shooketh.

I was dying in Peter's arms, and now I woke up in Tom's bed.


"Want some Aspirin? We were wasted last night." He asked, looking so chill.

"What is going on...?" I asked, I realized I was wearing his shirt, and no pants oh my god.

"She had work last night so she couldn't let you sleep over there, so I suggested you sleep here." He chuckled. "Robert warned me that you wouldn't remember any of this because you were so drunk."

"Who's she and which Robert."

"Elizabeth Olsen and Robert Downey Junior...." He laughed confusedly.


I jumped off the bed. Then realized I wasn't wearing any pants so I pulled my shirt down to cover my body more.

Tom laughed at me then covered his eyes with his hand. "Okay, okay, I won't look."

"Who changed me?"

"My mum... and maybe Paddy." He teased.

"Tom, who am I?" I asked directly. "How did I end up in your house."

"What?" He still thought I was joking. "You played as (Y/n), which is yourself in your movie, remember? And I played Spider-man your Spidey boyfriend. Last night was Downey's party with the whole Avengers crew."

"..." I stared at him, then everything started to make sense. I think I see it now, I understand what's going on now. "Oh? Right, I need to use bathroom, haha."

"Okay." He smiled then played on his phone.

I closed the bathroom door behind me and looked around. I found Tom's Spider-man toothbrush, then Tom's towel inside this hotel's bathroom.

It wasn't just a dream, I changed everything.

I became an actress for a character in the movie, starring beside Tom Holland. I changed reality. I wasn't just the wrong world's fourth wall breaker, I broke the real world's fourth wall too.

I washed my face to confirm that this wasn't a dream. A girl, a normal girl, a fan, got lost in the world she wished to be in, when she returned her whole life changed. Everything she did in that world was now part of a movie. How is that even possible.

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