[30] Thanks, huntsman.

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--no proofread because i need to update today--


I want you for worse or for better,
I would wait forever and ever.


Wrong World

   I heard myself screaming at night, it was what woke me up. I looked around my bedroom. Empty. It was so empty, felt so empty.

   I wiped my face. Wet. I was sweating and crying. I had a nightmare, at first it was almost a good dream, she was next to me, we talked random things, and when I turned around again, she was gone.

   My head hurts so badly, like it was about to explode and I knew i can't sleep like this. So I grabbed my suit, put it on and jumped off the house.

I headed to the building where (Y/n) and I used to go. It was two am, but New York never sleeps, city lights were bright enough for me to see what to swing on.

I sat on the edge of the building, like every nights before.

Where is she now?

Did she return home safely?

Can she remember about me at all?

It's been a year now, and I'm on my own. The first couple of weeks was hell, I almost got myself expelled, I can't think, I can't eat, I can't sleep.

Even though time passed but i can't seem to get the memories of us off my head. I missed her so bad that sometimes it hurts too much, and all the feelings turned numb, i felt empty, and empty was so heavy.

What if what she said is true? What if my world is the wrong world? Is it possible for me to see her again?

If i die will I see her on the other side?

I stood up and let the cold breeze hits my body. I stared in front of me, to the New York city underneath my feet, this building is 70 floors, it should be enough.


I could jump right now.

"...God." I stepped right back when my senses are back, what was i thinking? How could I ever do that to May... and I doubt I won't even die if I jump.

I groaned into the palm of my hands. "Comeback to me (Y/n)." I whispered hopelessly.

Then I sat there, watching the sunrise. I better return home now, we have a school trip, somewhere I didn't remember nor care.

I sneaked back in my bedroom, changed back to my pajamas, then grabbed a towel, opened the door up to go to the bathroom.

When I saw May was sitting on the couch.

"You snuck out."




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