Chapter 7

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"We can't find them!"

"What the hell do we pay you for?! You men better find them!"

"But sir, they're nowhere to be found! They must've escaped before we got here!"

"The boss gave us strict orders to find the last remaining freaks, and bring them in. There are hundreds of us, but only six of them, and yet they're winning in this stupid game of chase?! YOU MEN ARE ALL PATHETIC!"

The three up in the vents listen closely at the words being said in the kitchen below them, hoping to gain all the information they can from the unsuspecting soldiers.

"Sir! There's a mess in the cabinets, almost like someone searched through them in a hurry!"

"Huh...they think they're sneaky, don't they? They're probably foraging for supplies in this place."

"Why do you think they're doing that, sir?"

"Are you all idiots!? They obviously know by now that we're here, and they know we're coming for them! They're trying to escape and get outside of this facility. They're running from us...but we'll find them."

A shiver runs down Zayn's spine after hearing (what they assume to be) the general's words. He looks up to see Camila holding onto Lauren's arm in fright, hiding herself behind the green-eyed girl that's flame is currently sparking uncontrollably. Zayn knows that it's just because of Lauren's emotions that flowing inside of her though, him having observed her power for quite a while to know they go out of control when she has trouble containing her emotions.

"Holy shit, how did he figure that out?", Lauren whispers, wishing she didn't have to keep illuminating the vent with her flame, wanting to use that hand to help calm the shivering girl next to her.

"Well, if you observed the scene, you'd probably be able to tell something was off. The thing that surprises me though is how he figured it out so fast.", Zayn replies, his arm getting a bit tired from holding up his hand to control the shadow over the vent.

"I hope Jade and the others get here soon...I wanna get out of here.", Camila whimpers, and the other two sigh in agreement.

"I knew they'd take time, but I wasn't thinking it'd be this long.", Zayn whispers, his head starting to fill with negative thoughts. He can just imagine something going wrong. He can see Perrie and Jade crying out for each other as they got separated by soldiers, or Liam getting knocked out by a heavy object, falling to the ground in agonizing pain (that one really made Zayn worry...he always cared a bit more for Liam than anyone else). He shook his head to get those thoughts and images out of his head, knowing that they're probably okay, and that he's just over thinking things.

They suddenly hear yet another rush of footsteps, and then they hear panicked and distressed voices filling the room.


"Sir, we've found three, and are requesting back up!"


"Security footage showed three of them in a supply room, and when we got there, they were still inside! They ran out when the door was opened, and it was reported that it looked as if the soldiers inside were frozen in huge blocks of ice!"

"Perrie.", Zayn whispers, his heart dropping at the news.

"Where are they now!"

"We still have a unit running after them, and it's said that they're headed for the sleeping quarters. They're easy targets though, one is already down and unable to move, slowing them down tremendously." The three up in the vents look at each other, their eyes widening at the information. One of the other three was hurt? Did they get shot?

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