Chapter 6

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Liam and Perrie wait while Jade concentrates on using her duplicates to find the way to the supply room.  Liam smiled at how cute the two were.  Sure Jade was focused on what she was doing, but that didn't keep her from having an arm loosely wrapped around Perrie's waist, helping to make the blonde feel safe in the pitch black environment.  Perrie loved how protective and thoughtful Jade was, so she showed the brunette her thanks by planting loving kisses on her jaw at random times, making sure not to distract her too much.

"Got it.", Jade announces once she senses one of her duplicates coming back.  Sure enough, Perrie and Liam saw teh outline of another Jade coming towards them.  "You find it?"

"Yup.", the other Jade replies.  Perrie and Liam knew that Jade wasn't always able to communicate with her duplicates, but they were both proud to hear that Jade had mastered her power better than anyone else had, she being the only duplicator in history to be able to have a conversation with her other versions of herself.

"Good, lead us to it.", Jade orders, and soon they're on their way.


Zayn and the other two girls had managed to calm down a bit as they waited in the vent for the other three.

"How long do you think they're gonna take?", Camila asks curiously.

"Considering they don't have any source of light, I'd say they might take a while.", Lauren responds, playing with the small fire flickering in her hand.

"I'd say we might be waiting here for at least another half hour.", Zayn adds on, and Lauren nods in agreement.

"Well, since we have a lot of time...I have a question.", Camila said after a small moment of silence.

"What's up?", Lauren asks, resting a hand on the smaller girl's knee, rubbing it with the pad of her thumb comfortingly. 

"How did Jade and Perrie get together?  I know that they've been together for quite a while, but I never knew how.  It's a question that's been at the back of my mind for a long time."

"Actually, I've kinda been wondering the same thing.  They seem to complete each other so perfectly, and I've wondered how they even met.", Lauren says, curious to know the answer to Camila's question.  The two girls look at Zayn expectantly, knowing he probably knew the answer.

"It's a long story.", Zayn says.

"We've got time.", Lauren replies quickly, reminding him that they truly did have a long time to wait.

"Alright.  Well, it all started when Perrie was first brought into this camp..."


"Thanks.", Jade says as she merges the other Jade back into herself, then she looks over to Liam.  "Mind getting the vent?"  Liam just nods, and simply pushes the vent open with barely any effort due to his incredible strength.  "Thanks Payne."

Jade jumps the small distance down into the supply room first, Perrie quickly following with Liam right behind her.  "What do we need?", Perrie asks, watching Jade as she gets right to work in searching the room.

"Anything to survive, really.  Weapons, shelter, first-aid kit, anything.", Jade explains as she pulls out one of the tents in the back of the room, ordering Liam to find the others that they use when the staff at the facility takes all the kids out on their annual camping trip (it's never too far away from the facility, but it's still something for the kids to feel somewhat free).

Once all three tents are in the middle of the room, Jade and Liam go back to searching.  Perrie finds a battery powered lantern and a couple packages of batteries, putting them in the pile that the tents were in.  Liam finds a large tarp and some rope, also throwing those things in the pile.  Jade grabs a few flashlights, and she also finds some matches, adding them to the large pile in the middle of the room.

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