Chapter 2

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Perrie still hasn't stopped pacing around the room, her hands resting on her head as she continues to walk back and forth.

"Perrie, just calm down.", Zayn says.  When Perrie found him sitting in the back corner of the library with panick written all over her face, he agreed to staying by her to keep her company, but he didn't know she would be freaking out this much.

"I can't just calm down, Zayn!  There are killers out there with guns, and they're headed straight for Jade!  I can't just sit down and relax like's killing me to know that there's a possibility Jade might die.", Perrie says, close to breaking down.

Zayn get's up and walks back over to the metal door that has them locked inside, and he listens, just like he did earlier to learn that the invaders were headed for the locker rooms.  A few were stationed in the hallway just outside of the library, probably thinking that nobody would be in there since the majority at this camp were teenagers that had more important things to do than read.

Zayn listened to the static of their walkie talkie's.  "Nothing out of the ordinary, over.", a static voice reports to the men outside of the door.

"See Perrie, Jade is fine.  The just reported that nothing was out of the ordinary.", Zayn says.

"Really?", Perrie asks, walking over by Zayn so that she could listen as well.

"Locker rooms are cle-WAIT!  What the hell!  There's hundreds of her-FIRE!  SHOOT THEM ALL!", the static voice reports once again, seeming to get distracted during his report, and Perrie's eyes widen while Zayn presses his ear closer to the door.  They both hear the sound of guns firing in the distance.  "There were duplicates, but we shot them all, leaving no chance for the original to survive.  Another down, fifteen more to go, over."

Perrie's heart feels like it's about to stop, and she gasps out a sob as she stumbles back from the door.

"Perrie...I'm sorry-"

"SAVE IT!", Perrie yells, full on sobbing now as she leans her back against one of the walls, sliding down until she's sitting with her face burried in her hands.

Jade is the only one at camp that has duplication as her power.

"This is why I was worried Zayn!  THIS IS WHY I WAS FUCKING WORRIED!", Perrie yells, not even caring about the men outside that could possibly hear her.

Zayn clamps his hand over Perrie's mouth, trying to block her shouts and sobs.  "I'm sorry Perrie, but look, you need to be quiet!  If they hear you they'll kill us."  Perrie doesn't say anything, so Zayn moves his hand away, moving it to rub her back comfortingly instead.

"Let them.", Perrie mumbles.


"Why should I be quiet?  I've already lost Jade...there's no point in suffering and hiding any longer.  Just let them kill me already."

"Perrie, don't talk like that.  Jade wouldn't want you to think like that."

"Yeah, well there's no Jade anymore!  She's....gone..."  Zayn let's Perrie cry on his shoulder, praying that the men outside couldn't hear her sobs.  He was also praying that it was all just some sick joke, and that Jade was alive, and that there was someone else who could duplicate that they didn't know about.  Zayn knows that Perrie would go insane without Jade, heck, she already is.  It's painful for him to see his blonde friend go through so much pain.

 Suddenly they both hear a small crash come from the back of the library, and Zayn narrows his eyes at the sound.  "Perrie, you stay here, alright?  I'm gonna go see what caused that noise."  Perrie doesn't move at all, so Zayn just carefully moves from beside her and get's up on his feet.

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