Chapter 3

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"I spy, with my little eye,!"

Liam groaned, letting his head fall against the kitchen table, this now being the third round of his and Camila's game of 'I Spy'.  He was getting tired of it.

"Is it the wash-cloth?", he asks, his voice showing no enthusiasm whatsoever.

"Nope.", Camila replies, popping the 'p'.  "Guess again, Paynie."

"The soap or dish detergent?"

"Uh-uh.", the girl says while shaking her head.

"Uhmm...the table cloth?"

"Close...but no."

"What the heck!?  There's nothing else that's blue in this kitchen!", Liam complains, bringing his forehead back up from the table so he can look around with a more careful eye.  "Yup, absolutely nothing else that's blue!  What are you seeing?!"

"I can't tell you, that'd be against the rules.  You'll just have to keep guessing."

Liam sighed and started to think carefully.  Knowing Camila, it's probably someone would never think of.  Now what's something you wouldn't think of in a kitchen... "Is it the sky?"

"YUP!", Camila states happily, clapping her hands to show Liam that she's happy he got it.

"Camila, you can't even see the sky in here!"

"But I can imagine it, can't I?"

"That's not how the game works."

"Oh, I'm sorry.  I didn't realize you were the creator of the game, and knew everything about it.", Camila said sarcastically, sticking her tongue out at the end.

Liam shook his head and groaned once again.


"This way."  Both Lauren and Zayn turned their heads to look at each other, just finishing saying the exact same thing at the same time, except they were both talking about two different directions.  They were at an intersection, one way going left, and the other going right.  "No, this way!", they both said in unison again, Lauren pointing right, Zayn pointing left.

"No, you've got it wrong, Jauregui.  It's this way.", Zayn says, still pointing left.

"Have you even travelled through these vents before?  It's this way!", Lauren argues, still pointing right.

"No, but I've been here longer than you, so I think I have a better idea of where things are.", Zayn argues back, dropping his hand.

"Yes, but I've travelled through these vents before, so I know that it's this way, not that way.", Lauren says, moving her finger to point from right to left, then back to right, showing Zayn that she knows her direction is the right direction.

"There's only one direction to go, and that's to the left."




 "Ugh, you know what, we are getting nowhere with this!", Zayn grumbles, trying to think of a solution to their disagreement.

"I'll say.", Lauren mumbles in agreement. 

"Okay, look. How about we split up, and go the way that we think the kitchen is.  Whichever one of us is right will go back and search for the other, and the winner get's full bragging rights."

"Alright, sounds good.", Lauren says with a slight smirk on her face, and Zayn is a bit confused by it. 

Zayn watches as she crawls away, and he soon starts to realize that it's getting darker and darker.  Normally he likes being in the shadows, it being where he's the strongest, but not when it's pitch black and he can't see a thing.  He just remembered that Lauren is the only reason why he could see.  Her fire manipulation power is their only source of light.

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