Part 30(Peter's POV)

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I pulled out the chair for Kenzie, bracing for my fourth morning of utter embarrassment.  

Black Widow winked at Kenzie as she sat down next to her, Captain America smiling from the other side of Natasha. Kenzie and Nat had taken a liking to each other in the four days we had been here, and Steve seemed to be letting his walls down a little bit around her as well. On Cap's other side, Bucky greeted her kindly through a shoveled mouthful of food. Tony didn't try to hide anything from Kenzie, but he never really had. He treated her like she was one of the Avengers, which gave me mixed emotions. On one hand, I was so ecstatic that she fit in and that she was enjoying herself. In general, the whole group seemed to be getting a kick out of having her here. For the most part, I'm pretty sure that that was because they had ample opportunity and material to humiliate me off of. The other part of me was a little bit jealous of how quickly they let her in, because I had just started to feel at home with all of these guys a few months ago. I told myself that I didn't care, but it hurt a little bit. But because she was safe and happy, I could deal with myself.

Plus, I understood them. Kenzie was perfect.

As more of them realized that Kenzie was there, lots of half-chewed food ended up on the table as they opened their mouths to smile at her. Vision sat there contentedly, arm around Wanda. I always was confused when I saw him at meals, because he couldn't eat. But he said that meals were a perfect time to practice the social skills he was lacking, which I couldn't disagree with.

Besides Scott Lang, all of the people that were there when we first arrived at Avengers Tower were still here. Scott allegedly left because of "work conflicts", but considering that his work was here, we all knew he just wanted to go home and watch Netflix. Scott's replacement was Sam Wilson, the Falcon, with whom I had had a mix of pleasant and unpleasant encounters. To my dismay, he knew of mine and Kenzie's relationship as well, and he was ruthless in his taunting. Not that I minded enough to take Kenzie home- in fact, a part of me somewhat enjoyed the teasing. I was more proud of myself than I care to admit to have Kenzie as my girlfriend.

I settled down next to Kenzie, picking up my fork and knife and digging into my pancake. Kenzie turned to say something to me, but Nat tapped her on the shoulder just as she opened her mouth. Kenzie put one finger up to me, signaling to wait a second. I swallowed my food and stared at her turned head, and I saw Steve looking at Nat, subtly trying to figure out what she was talking to Kenzie about. Cap then turned his head slightly so he was facing me, and we shared an exasperated look before deciding that food was more important than whatever was happening next to us.

I have no idea what Natasha said that was so funny, but off to my right I heard Kenzie snort loudly of laughter. I was grinning at how cute her snort sounded until I looked over and found she was choking on some orange juice she had been drinking.

Kenzie's face quickly turned from humor to panic as she tried to take big gasps of air that wouldn't go through. Natasha was practicably  hitting Kenzie on the back, and started to offer her a glass of water to swallow it down with. I was up right next to her, doing whatever I could to help. My heart raced as a hot blast of fear coursed through me, causing all the hairs on the back of my neck and arms to stick straight up.

"Come on, Kenz," I cried.

Everybody who had been previously sitting around the table was now worriedly surrounding her, each of them making their own suggestions and trying to push past the other, resulting in a mix of noise and confusion.

Out of the cacophony, I heard Sam say, "Peter should give her mouth to mouth!"

Suddenly, Kenzie started choking harder.

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