My New Mission

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Hey everyone here is another chapter for you!

Thank you all for the amazing comments and votes, I love them!

I felt like adding that song over there, 'cuz ya know, you got to give praise to the papa XD

Eddie Rath is freaking AWESOME, huh??

New cover!! Isn't it just Fab?!? FeastofNoise made it for me! Isn't she the BEST!! Thank you!

Disclaimer: Naruto isn't mine.






Rima’s p.o.v

We strolled through the gates of Konoha. I smirked to myself as Sasuke walked off with his little stalked trailing after him. Naruto charged away screaming something about ramen.

“Come on,” Kakashi said sticking his hand in his pocket and pulling free an orange book. He walked off with his nose stuck in the book, not looking where he was going.

“I hope he falls or steps in crap,” I muttered following him.

“I can make the latter one happen,” Shadow replied with a toothy grin.

“Ew! Gross!” Dawn chirped wrinkling her nose.

“You know you’d love to see it happen,” I teased her. She huffed in reply. “I wonder what’s so interesting about that book.”

“Who knows? Steal it and find out,” Shadow suggested.

I tilted my head slightly contemplating the idea. Would I get away with it? Yes. Would I survive afterward? Maybe.

I tip-toed up behind Kakashi and walked silently in his shadow. Before I could even reach around him and snatch the book, he vanished.

“Don’t even think about it,” he said in my ear.

I whirled. “What the-?”

He peered at me from over the top of the book. Just as he was about to say something, he caught sight of someone behind me and shook his head.

“Not now,” he muttered.

I turned and spotted a green blur heading toward us. Black hair, huge eyes, orange leg warmers, red headband wrapped around his waist.

“Oh no,” I stepped back and would have run if Kakashi hadn’t caught my collar forcing me to stay.

“If I have to deal with him, so do you,” he grumbled as the blur halted before us.

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