Chapter 51

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“Good afternoon Brazie,” I sang as I skipped into his office. “I’m sorry I’m late,” I said plopping onto the couch. “I couldn’t find the strength to peel myself out of bed this morning.”

His eyebrows furrowed in concern, “Why is that, are you hurting again?”

“Oh, no,” I smiled wide and let out a snicker. “’Was just too happy and sated to leave.”

He hummed and scribbled as he asked, “Why is that?”

I smiled, “There’s a big, lanky, warm cuddle machine that has the cutest pouty face that I just can’t resist.”

He let out a light chuckle, “Well I can relate that. That is a very plausible reason and your tardiness is forgiven.”

I giggled and nodded in appreciation, “Thanks.”

“So… how would you gauge your pain level today?”

“Five,” I thought over it for a minute and nodded, “Yeah, five.”

“That’s down a bit from last week, that’s good.” I smiled in response. “Last week we left off talking about Jen so- I’m sorry Jennifer-”

“No, it’s alright,” I corrected his flustered look with a smile. “I don’t mind; you can call her Jen.”

“Okay,” he nodded with an appreciative smile. “So can you tell me your favorite memory of Jen?”

A dumbfounded look crossed my face as I thought. “Hmm? I don’t know…. There’s just so many of them…” the room was silent as I racked my brain trying to pick one sole memory to label as my favorite. “I don’t know if I can pick just one. I’ve had so many moments with my sister that are meaningful to me.”

“Alright, well it doesn’t have to be just one. We have time and I would love to hear them all if you don’t mind.”

I uttered a giggle, “Okay, then. Well one of my fondest memories has to be this one time; I think I was like thirteen and my parents were away on an anniversary trip or something and Fer and I were home alone. We had ordered some pizza and I convinced her to watch some scary movies even though we both knew I was a big chicken when it came to those sort of things. Needless to say, I was terrified so she let me curl up to her and hide my face when it got to be too much.” I smiled fondly at the love bubbling up in me. “She was always really good at comforting me.”

He was nodding and smiling as he jotted down a few notes. “Why do you call her Fer?” he asked curiously.

“It was a joke in the beginning. She called me Lee and I called her Fer. We each had many different pet names from the members of our family and we decided why not have our own nicknames.”

“That’s really adorable,” I blushed as the comment and mumbled a thanks. “Keep the good memories coming,” he lightly encouraged.

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