Two Places At Once

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I arrive back to my house in the morning at 10. "Hey guys" I say casually. "Soo...sleepover was it?" Jhope asks. "Yep!" And I speedwalk back to my room as fast as I can.

Lasjdu's POV

*yawn* argh the light is wayyy too bright. Oh..he's not here..Wait a note. I rub my eyes to get all the crustys away.

'Dear Lasjdu, Sorry I had to leave you but I have dance practice, love you so much see you in the afternoon, I'll pick you up if you like. Tae xo.'

Aww isn't he just the cutest!?

I kiss the note and hug it. I love him so much.

*vbsuosdbvwdgqcgyqdywdgceqwviygvvgy&* FRICK my phone is vibrating with all these notifications. Omg it's my bff...

'I'm in LA'

'Our friend here is dying'

'Remember Lucy'

'And she had to move away'

'And I Skyped her a few weeks ago'

'And she said she was sick'

'But it's actually an illness'

'Come before it's too late'

'The doctors don't know if they can cure it'

'Plz come'


Oh my gosh no... not Lucy! Noonononoonononoonoo...
This can't be happening, she's one of my bffs and our closest friend ever! I better call Tae... wait he's at dance practice...damn I better just call him later. I need to pack quick,clothes, money, laptop...and yes phone, oh and keys..yep...nothing else...okay I'm good.

Damn if only I owned a car... Wait...Tae?!

I run out to see him, this time I'm not smiling. "Hey babe...what's wro.."
"Drive me to the airport...NOW!!!" I shout. He imeadiatly opens the door for me and starts to drive.
"Babe..what's happening?" "My friend is dying okay?!" I say through tears. "Oh"he says blankly. "Oh is that it?!, you don't care?!" I shout... what's wrong with me. "I realised how even more selfish I've been... people in hospitals wishing to live and I nearly killed myself... sorry brung me back..."
"Oh Tae I'm sorry for getting mad, I'm just so mad and sad that's this is u seen the real me... a horrible girl with temper and..." I say crying.
"No Lasjdu, I forgive you... and even if you do have a temper I'll still love you" he says tearing up with a smile.!???!?! "I love you too" and I kiss him on his cheek.
"I thought u were supposed to be at dance practice?" I say. "Yeah but I came to pick you up and ask if u wanted to come" he smiled. So sweet <3

While all this happened we are finally here at the airport. I kiss him hardly as he walks out to open the door for me which I've already done and I run off in the direction to the entrance to the airport.

Taehyungs POV

I stand in front of my car crying watching her run away. She's so sweet to go her dying friend. I know this isn't about me right now but I feel like I'm loosing a part of me...her.

Saving Taehung//SHORT STORYWhere stories live. Discover now