Gather Round, Blocking Out

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I get pulled by V.
What the heck is happening?!

"Here we are"
"V you didn't have to do this.."
"Don't call me V please.. call me by my real name Taehung" he says
"Sure sure"
But why am I here right now?!

We go inside his house.

"Meet my family..uh?.."
"Lasjdu.." I say.. Ugh no one can pronounce my FREAKUNG name..
"Cool name :)"
"thanks" I say casually. ;)

I say hi but to my surprise instead of his bloodline family its the whole band BTS! My hartu was melting... Aaaaaaah!
I greeted them all happily with hugs.
( #best memento if my life BTW!)

"Hey V, why u no come with us earlier?" Suga asks.

Wait.. They didn't know where Tae was at the time and said to the crowd as I remember...
The rest of the group replied "he's in the hotel resting, he's a bit tired".

And I thought..

Well that's good, I'm glad he's safe, he's my bias after all. I couldn't wait 9 see him perform at the concert!

But really..

But then I stopped in horror seeing a man, one leg over the bridge

AAAAH the flashbacks are horrible..

"I can't anymore..!" he cries, tears dropping from his eyes.
He stands up and walk to the bridge again, as one leg goes over the side, I pull him down.

"Why are you trying to kill yourself anyway V?"
"Your gonna hate this answer.."
"I don't care, I just care about you.. surviving"

" Are you okay?" Jin asks.
Oh no I must've been thinking too deep into my thoughts..
My vision looks blurry. I touch my eyes and realise I have tears.
"Are you sure?" He asks again. Aaah hes so kind <3
"Yeh I just get watery eyes sometimes, haha" I fake laugh, trying to make it sound convincing.
Deep down I really don't know how to feel..but its not about me its about V.. I need to give HIM sympathy, not me.. But I just cannot help it.
In the corner of my teary eyes I see taehung giving me a concerned look on his face. I hope he's not worried about me.
The while group is talking again and as I keep trying to wipe away the tears I can't, they just keep falling down. Ugh, Not Today

"Hey where's the bathroom..kinda busting"
Oh gosh..did I JUST say that?!
"I'll show u" says Taehung. Oh great I hope he doesn't talk about why I was crying..I cross my fingers as I follow him, head kept down, fringe in the way to cover my red wet face hoping no one sees.
We are in the bathroom and Taehung says to me "What's upsetting you Lasjdu?" Him saying my name, it gives me shivers. "Don't worry.. Its just watery eyes, haha!" Pretending to be happy is harder than I thought.
I don't want him to worry about me but at the same time I want to let all my emotions out like a river, and to gain pity from everyone.

But Tae us the one who nearly died..not me.

Or maybe I'm just dying inside...

Saving Taehung//SHORT STORYWhere stories live. Discover now