Just Chillin'

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Taehyung's POV

I arrive at Lasjdus house in my car and honk my horn as I roll down the window.
I look towards her bedroom window and see her looking down at me looking as beautiful as ever, she's the best girl ever. <3

She runs down her skirt accidentally lifting up and my eyes seeing sum ;)
Luckily she didn't even notice rhheheeh.

ANYWAYYYSSS We have great chats in the car on the way to our destination, the mall. I don't mind the mall, of course I wouldn't go out of my way to go there but I would certainly go there to hang out with Lasjdu.

I help Lasjdu out of the car as she giggles at me. "Where do you want to go first?" I ask as we walk into the mall. "Hey what about some Mac Donald's?" "Lol okay sure!" I agree.
"Omg we should totally be Finn and Jake for Halloween tho" She says. "Can I Be Finn?" I ask.
"No silly I'm Finn and your Jake"she laughs. "Wait why don't I be Marceline and you be Finn since they are worldwide shipped?" I suggest "Awh but can I be Marceline?" She says.  "Sure, by the way I'm Finn now" "oh you tricky boy" she says as she playfully punches me in the shoulder.

We are in the line now for ordering maccas. I order 2 cheeseburgers and 2 large chips. 🍟 🍟, because Lasjdu got ice cream but knowing her she's gonna take sum of my food as she always changes her mind..and hey I just realised I am getting to know her so well and like... "hello earth to taehyung you have been staring at me for like forever and our food is waiting to be collected right now!" She teases and laughs and pulls my arm towards the food. Why is she so cute and perfect?

2 Hours Later

We have been to nearly EVERY shop in the mall. I am quite tired but Ill never be tired of her. We are at the nail salon right now getting our nails done then she said after that just one more shop then we are outta here. YES!
Ooohhhh crap she just caught me looking at her cheeesttiiclleeess FRICK.

Lasjdu's POV

It's been an hour since he left my house after hanging out here after the long trip at the mall since we were tired af. He's the best boyfriend ever to do this with me. <3
Although I just got promoted for a job so I can't see him tomorrow sadly..and the next 4 days... sigh I WISH work was never I thing... all I'm thinking about is how I'm going to cope without him.

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