House Description

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House Description

Belle's house is built on an island that is surrounded by cliffs. The island is a spring island. She built her house mainly in the side of the cliff to use less material and she always wanted a house in the side of a cliff. There are six floors in general in her house each with a separate layout and any sort of wall movement can be controlled by Belle's smart watch that she always has on. The elevators used to travel between floors are all industrial size elevators (big enough to fit a minivan). It took her three years to finish building it after starting, which she did at age ten, and even now she will add onto it if she thinks of something else she needs to add on.

First Floor

Docks – Belle's built a remote-controlled wall that splits along the center sliding the two halves sideways on a pulley and rail system. There are two grooves carved into the cliff face for the stone doors to slide into hiding them and the system from view. The door is big enough to allow the Moby Dick through and inside there are multiple docks ranging from all different sizes. The docking area is huge and it goes deep into the cliff. There are enough docks for twenty to thirty ships based on their sizes. She has ten sections that she can slide the dividers around to make bigger docks or shrink them down. At the very back of the docking area there's a stone section that's got some empty boxes and barrels stored for future use. Beside the boxes and barrels is a tool bench with some basic tools that can be used to fix some engine problems while underneath it holds some waterproof bags and containers. That area also contains the elevator that can be used to go to any floor at the very back with stairs right beside that and to the left a small stair case that leads up to the ballroom that can be used as a training room as well. On the right side, there's a set of steel double doors that almost blend into the walls that if you didn't know they were there you might miss them and once passing through them it leads to the infirmary.

Ballroom/Training Room – A huge room that has a patterned carpet usually rolled up and placed at the edge of the room. If the room's going to be used as a ballroom, gathering room, or a huge dining room the carpet gets rolled out to give it a nicer look. There's a store room where tables and chairs are stored for when the room is used as a dining room. For most of the time the carpet is rolled up to make it easier for sparing matches and the wall face that separates the room from the ocean is hidden in the floor allowing the full window to show allowing the light to stream into the room. The wall face is connected to a pulley system that's controlled by either the switch placed with the light switches by the entry stairs or the switch by the elevator in the room. The elevator is placed on the far wall from the main entrance and it only ascends to the second floor. On the wall opposite from the window are targets for any type of aiming practice and training dummy's are placed in the store room as well. The training wall is hooked up to a pulley system as well and will descend into the floor by pressing the button located by the elevator.

Infirmary – The infirmary is outfitted with every piece of medical equipment that Belle has ever used or been train to used that would be of useful in this world. There is a large stock of everything needed to patch up a wound as well as some vaccinations that are important to have access to here. There's enough supplies of everything to easily patch up the crew of the Moby three times over. There are also enough medical beds for ten people and a few for intensive care.

Second Floor

Bar/Gaming Room – The first room you reach coming from the dock elevator. Pool tables, dart boards, ping pong tables, and a couple card tables fill the right half of the room. On the left half, right by the door is the bar which is always stocked to the brim with different alcohol but you will find more Vodka than anything else. Across from the bar a huge flat screen TV is placed on the wall with various video game systems and games on a shelf underneath the TV. Two couches are placed in front of the TV with a small end table in between and on each side. Two arm chairs are placed angled by the end tables facing the TV. Behind the video game area there are tables filling up the rest of the space towards the bar and the space left between the two halves.

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