Thanos' Fall

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Tori's P.O.V.

     I shot up off the cold surface as a gush of air filled my lungs. I was drenched in a cold sweat and my chest was heaving uncontrollably. I coughed as the clean air filled my burning lungs. My long hair was sticking to my face as I held myself above the ground.

     "Easy!" I gruff voice yelled. I squinted my blinded eyes shut. "Stop yelling." I mumbling, placing a shaking hand against my head. I felt my body shake as I tried to fight against the mild swimming.

     When I forced myself upright on my side I focused on adjusting my eyes. The room was blinding as the light stung my blue orbs. I blinked multiple times as I struggled to get myself off the ground.

     As I wiped the sweat drenched hair from my skin I began to focus on the room around me. It looked like some kind of medieval dungeon mixed with chasm of death. As I looked closer I saw all around me are familiar faces.

     Sera, Scott, Tony, Peter, Wanda, Strange, Bucky, and Sam. I couldn't remember much, it was all foggy and thick. I need to figure out where I am.

     I looked to Buck and rubbed my head. "Where's Steve?" My voice was a scratchy mumble.

That wasn't what I was supposed to ask.

     I furrowed my brows in both pain and confusion at myself. His eyes searched my face but I didn't know him. "Tori, you've been out a while maybe you should-" I cut him off when I forced my blue eyes open in a glare. "Where is he?"

     He let out a sigh and looked to the floor. "He escaped somehow and the guards caught him. They took him somewhere just before you woke up and it's not looking good." He muttered, not meeting my eyes.

     I let my hand slap against the floor as I rose to stand. Some one's butt was about to get kicked. Though my legs gave out before I could stand and I caught myself on the bars. Bucky rose to his feet and tried to help me through the rings of metal separating us.

     "Take it slow." He instructed, voice hardening slightly. I pushed off of the bars so my back slid down the wall. "Don't tell me what to do old man." Grouched, holding my head and reaching the floor.

     I squinted my eyes open and saw Sam's jaw drop in surprise as wave of pure joy washed over his face. "I'm not that old." Bucky grumbled to Sam, bumping into his shoulder on his way across the cell.

     I closed my eyes with a smirk. "Mhm tell that to the fossils in your beard." I muttered, closing my eyes to avoid Bucky's death glare.

     I bit my lip as to hold back a smile. Sam laughed out loud and clapped his hands together. "Tori!! You just made my trip!! I don't even care if I die that comment was worth it!" He said, patting Bucky on the back.

     The dark man clenched his bearded jaw and looked to the floor. "I'll remember this, when you are trying to be nice I will remember this and bite you." He hissed, walking over to the corner.

     I wiggled my eye brows. "Yeah, as long as you take your pills to help with your memory loss gramps." I commented, biting my tongue to keep from laughing. Bucky scoffed and took a seat in the corner.

     I let my eyes closed as I was reminded of the lingering pain in my head. I thought about Steve and where he could be? He couldn't be dead I would feel it. I gave up and focused on slowing my heart down.

     When I opened my eyes I saw Bucky stroking his beard with concern written on his face. I stiffed a laugh and raised an eyebrow at Sam. "So why were you guys put in a cell together?" I asked, curious as to why they would put the people who hate each other most in a small space.

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