Catching A Fossil

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Victoria's P.O.V.

     "Nah nah, nah nah nah! You can't catch me!" Eight year old Tony sang as he flew his space ship in my face. I sat there and tried my best to ignore him. I closed my blue crystal eyes and took in a deep breath. I let it out and looked at the ceiling. "Nah nah! Haha, you're so weird!" He continued to chant in my ear. I had had enough. I raised my arm and smacked the space ship right out of his hand. "Cut it out already!" He just sat there with a blank face, trying to process what just happened. I flung my stray brunette hair behind me and continued to clean the glass window. 

     Then it came. The blood chilling, horrifying, haunting sound. 

     "Wahhhh!" The tears started to spill uncontrollably out of Tony's eyes. His fists hit the floor and he kicked his leg like the child he was. I glanced at him and rolled my eyes. 

He so had that coming..... Then again if I don't help him I might not eat for a week. 

     I crawled on the floor and retrieved the space ship. "Hey Tony! Look here's your space ship! Right there. Hey... hey?" I tried and tried but he wouldn't stop. His crying only got louder and it turned to a yell. "Daaaaaaaddddddyyyyy!" He wailed. I heard the footsteps running towards us and it felt like my heart was going to pound out of my chest. 

No no no! 

     "Hey Tony come o-" I was interrupted by a high pitched regal voice. "What's going on in here!?" Mother demanded. 

     I shot Tony a scared and hopeful look, wishing that he wouldn't rat me out. He gave me one look through teary eyes and then yelled, "She tried to break my train!" I let out a sigh and hung my head. "Victoria Avery Stark that is unacceptable!!" My father ran to my brothers side to comfort him while my mother glared into the back of my head. 

     "Your mother is right. You are a Stark and it's about time you drop this foolish behavior and start acting like one." My father scolded. "But I-" I began before mother interrupted me. "No buts! This has been some thing that has been going on for a while now. Your father and I have talked about it and we have made our decision." Her voice was cold and firm. 

     All I could do was look at the floor to help prevent tears from spilling out and wait. "Until you stop this foolish behavior and start treating your brother with respect, you will not be able to leave the house to go to any outings that the rest of the family does." My father stated. My eyes became blurry from the water and I looked from my father to my mother. 

     We always went to dad's invention conventions or fairs or the circus. There was always a family outing and now I wouldn't get to be a part of them. Tony shot me a satisfied smirk and he held his space ship to his chest. I opened my mouth to speak but couldn't. 

     "Now go to your room." My mother said. I ran from the living room and straight to my bed room. Once I reached my room I flopped onto my bed and buried my face into my pillow. 

Sure I was a little out of line but so was Tony! Shouldn't he be punished too? 

     The tears were streaming down my cheeks and soaking into the pink silk bed sheets. 


    And that's how is was. For years I was punished because of Tony's actions. He was never the one to blame and he was treated like royalty. I guess first born children are the favorite. He got to watch cartoons and play video games while I cleaned the mansion. Day after day. Endless washing and scrubbing. Eventually my mother had no need for maids because I did all of the chores. 

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