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Tori's P.O.V. 

     I slid my hand along the smooth, cool railing as I made my way up the stairs to the lab. As I neared the top my ears picked something up.

     "How come, everyone else gets to freshen up while we do all the work?" Tony complained. 

     "I don't know. Maybe they're trying to balance it out somehow like we do the science and they do the fighting?" I voice that sounded like Bruce's offered.

     I reached the top of the stairs but paused so I could hear more of their conversation. Though only the pitter pater of the keys filled my ears.

     "Who is the new girl anyway it seems like there is some tension between you two?" Bruce asked.

Don't you dare.

     "Yeah well, we have a history. Don't worry about it, it's nothing important." Tony brushed off. 

     "I think she's cute!" Peter spoke up! I rolled my eyes back into my head and could almost see the silly grin plastered on his face.

     I took my moment and stepped into the room. It was like your typical lab, small and very grey with lots of different tech in it.

     "Hey everyone." I said, drawing their attention to me. 

     I didn't care what they thought about my bunny slippers, blue sweat shirt, and baggy black pants.

     After a good amount of silence I walked around some tables to peer over Tony's shoulder. "How's it coming??" I asked, forcing a smile.

     "So far all we've been able to do is tune our satellites to the type of energy that was emitted. It's much like the energy that was used when you," He paused and gestured to Loki who had just walked in. "Tried to take over New York." He finished talking and returned to typing things on the screen.

     I nodded my head as people flooded in. "Well while we're waiting we can discuss our options and strategy." I received a nod from everyone in the room.

     "Thanos. Let's start there." Sam offered. "Thanos is relentless, he claims he will spare the Earth he won't." Gamora said, firmly eyeing everyone in the room.

     "Do you remember him ever mentioning plans to destroy the universe? Perhaps there are some clues in pieces of conversations?" Mantis slowly asked.

     "No, although my father was crazy he never discussed his plans with anyone. Not me or any of my siblings." Gamora answered dryly, pulling the tip of her pink hair behind her green ear.

     "Thanos is your father?" Sera asked, both enthusiastic and surprised. I cringed at her lack of understanding.

     Gamora shot her a glare as a response. I heard Sera chuckle softly. "And I thought you had daddy issues!" She whispered to Loki, nudging his shoulder. 

     Loki squinted his eyes shut and then spoke up. "Is it possible for us to hide the stone on Midgard?" He paused and shrugged his shoulders.

     "Yeah but he needs the stone for something important. So what if we just don't give it to him?" Peter offered, only now did I notice he was in red plad PJ's.

     "Then his rein will only come sooner." Wanda added.

     "Hate to go off topic here but no one has even thought about the effect this might have on vision." Rhodey butt in.

     We all looked to vision. "The only thing keeping him alive, as an artificial intelligence, is that stone. Without it he could still function but he would be like any other android." Tony answered, pulling at his face as he spoke.

The Secret Stark (Captain America Love Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang