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still ty pov

I knocked on Jaehee's door and looked around, to make sure no one is around. "Coming!" I heard a feminine voice yell. "Taeyongie! Come in!" She yelled. I entered her house and was welcomed with the smell of her special cookies. "Noona..." I started off. "I thought I was babe. Now I'm noona?" She said pouting. "Ok... babe, what do you want to do today?" I asked her. "First tell me if..."

your pov

I sat on the couch rethinking what just happen. "Fuck! I just did it with Taeyong! For the first time! My first time!" I said finally realizing what had just happened. I hit my head numerous of times. "Why did I let it happen so easily? I'm so stupid." I said blaming myself for everything.

I heard a knock on my door, I opened it and it was seoho, jaehyun, and gunhak. "I'm stupid. I let him do it. So easily. I wasn't thinking." I said once we were all on the couch. "What happen?" gunhak asked. "I... I lost it. The thing I've been saving till the right one. It's gone." I sadly said. "Was he good?" seoho asked. "That's the problem! He was perfect!" I yelled. "What are you talking about?" Jaehyun asked, confused. "She lost her virginity to Taeyong and now she is sad but mad." seoho summarized my emotions. "Oh. How? How did it happen I mean." Jaehyun asked. "I was sleeping and i woke up feeling ya know. so i went to him and boom." I said trying not to remember the feeling.

"Oooooo wake up sex," gunhak said moving his eyebrows up and down. "How do you feel right now?" Jaehyun asked me, ignoring gunhak. "Wow, Jaehyun why are you so good at talking?" seoho asked. "Since, you seem more fine with him. We will leave you two alone. Call us later, kid." seoho said patting my head and leaving with gunhak.

"I feel disgusted... but weird. It's hard to explain. I don't want to think about it." I mumbled. "Do you just want to watch a movie? Just to distract you from it." Jaehyun said. I slowly nod my head.

"I'm home!" I heard Sicheng yell. "Taeyong isn't here?" He asked. "Nope, How was staying after school?" I asked, he shrugged his shoulder and went straight to the kitchen. "I have to head out. Someone asked me out today. And I'll have to pick them up." Sicheng said. "Who?!" I practically yelled. "Yuta." He whispered. "Nakamoto Yuta?!" I yelled. "Cute," Jaehyun said with a smile. "Yeah... I have to go change." He said looking down at his phone and ran to his room.

"When will Taey-" Jaehyun got interrupted by the door opening. "Speaking of the devil," I whispered. "Where did you go?" I asked him. "I went out." He answered with a little bit of attitude. "Ok damn. Am I not suppose to know where my boyfriend went?" I asked turning around and facing the tv once again. I then heard the door close once again. "Well fuck you too," I whispered with tears running down my face.

At first, I didn't notice but I've been crying since Taeyong answered with additude. "I'm gonna go now. Jaehyun, babysit her." Sicheng said before leaving.

Another hour with Jaehyun and I feel like I would just fall asleep, cuddling him. The door opened, revealing a messy Taeyong.

Fuck why am I aroused by this? I asked myself.

"You can go now. I can handle her myself." I heard Taeyong say with a husky voice. I felt myself getting wet. "I'm fine. Thanks, Jaehyun." I said with a small smile. "Ok bye. Sleep well." Jaehyun said hugging me. I hugged back.

Once Jaehyun left I heard Taeyong coming close to me. "So why were you with him all day?" His husky voice arousing me and making me wetter. "I was l-lonely," I mumbled. "You could've waited for me. Daddy is gonna punish you." He whispered in my ear. He then carried me to his room.

CLIFFHANGER YOU HORNDOGS. Next chapter will be the smut thoooo. It's also not edited so sorry if there is any mistakes. And yes I know... "But Taeyong isn't dom." let's just pretend for the sake of the story :)

2020 update:

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