The Escape

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HEY GUYS!!!! It's been so loong... Sorry for not updating! I've been busy with commencement speeches, essays, projects, and testing...

DC was SUPER DUPER FUN!!! I was able to make memories with my friends and teachers!!! We took tours and stayed in four hotels!! I managed to eat at a ton of buffets! XD

Anyways, enough about me....

This chapter is dedicated to my fellow fans who inspired me to write it...


OMFG THIS STORY IS SOOOO AWESOME!! YOU HAVE A LOT OF SKILL WITH YOUR WRITING AND I'M REALLY JEALOUSxD PLEASE KEEP UPDATING AS MUCH AS YOU CAN, BECAUSE I WILL BE WAITING!!!! BTW my favourite animal is a liger. its like a lion and tiger mixed (bred for its skills in magic) xD



FINALLY! I found a story that is original! Bro, you are AWESOME



COOKIES!!!!!!!!!!!! I want some!! Now I have a craving for cookies... Anyway..awesome story!!!!! I hope you update soon!!:) and I hope you have had fun in DC!! You sounded very excited!!! (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) cookies!!!!


Thank you guys :)

You've made my days. :)



It was dark, but I could still see my body, drifting towards a grassy field. I recognized people drifting besides me as well as Hades standing nearby. Was I dead? Did End finally ended my misery and killed me? Was I in the Fields of Asphodel? Hades saw me and snarled. He glared at me , but when he opened his mouth to speak, he froze. A spear stuck out from his stomach.

"Nooo!" I screamed, but no voice came out from my lips and I couldn't move my feet. All I could do was watch as Hades twitched on the ground. Suddenly, someone approached him. I gasped.


Her eyes were a dull brown and in her hands she carried two objects: a knife in one hand and a vial on the other hand. She kneeled down towards Hades as he coughed up blood. Wait.. Blood? How is he human? Cameron turned her neck in a full 180 spin as she stared at me.

"Ohh Percccy!!! Which one? Which one? Tell me Percy.. Which ONE?"

The spirits around me started to chant...

"The girl or the god..."

"The girl or god...."

I clutched my head in exasperation until Cameron grinned wickedly..

"If you don't choose... I will for YOU.."

Right before I can stop her from plunging the knife I was shifted to another scene.

I was in a dark room and I could move my body freely.. However, I saw Thalia on the ground with blood pouring out of her. Next to her was Nico, kneeling in front of her. They turned their heads at me in synchronization. Blood poured out of their mouths as they spoke.

"What have you done to us, Percy?" shrieked Thalia.

"It's your fault that this happened," screamed Nico.

Percy Jackson: Son of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now