Chapter 0: Introduction

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Welcome readers, watchers and overseers from afar and wide. I bid you good greetings to coming to me this day. I'm your humble and oh so adorable Goddess Neptune, or Purple Heart to my fair masses"

"I'm your Narrator Theodore. As many of you know already...Neptune is the oh so quirky and funny star of Hyperdimension Neptunia"

"You got that right...and it's with supreme and delightful privilege I welcome you to the next Fanfiction of my terrific life"

"Introducing you to the Third, or second depending on your viewpoint"

(In Unison) "Neptunia's Second Lost Chapter!!!"

Neptune squirms "Wow-oh-wow I can't believe we got a third fanfiction"

"Well...the story was in the cards Neptune. It was just the correct Material hadn't been released"

"I can't wait, I can't wait. Oh, Oh Theody can I introduce my fair line up of the games that are me"

"Yeah...but then you need to go. You're first one in the story after Terra"

"Then I'll introduce my introduce the set up"

"alright then...Ladies first"

"Awwww...what a gentleman you are"

Neptune clears her throat "To those of you in the know, I am the Main character of Hyperdimension Neptunia...a series of RPG's featuring yours truly. With the minor exception of a spin-off...I am always there to delight your day. With three main titles, three remakes, an anime series and a beat-em-up action game I do get around. But...But the wonderous truth is...I got another. The Seventh main entry of my life...Megadimension Neptunia V2"

Neptune takes a quick drink "Now normally I'd brag about my terrific game, and the great fight scenes and how you'd be a dummy to not buy it...but I'm humble like that. This game is a little different...where others have their turn in the light...but Theody will explain that"

"I've told you...about calling me that"

"Sorry, sorry don't get your undies in a twist jeez. What I meant to say...with this being the Fanfiction, a familiar face will be joining me in the Spotlight. My good friend and all round decent guy...Terra"

"And with'd best get going. Leave to the rest to me"

"Alright...see you all later" Door slams

"Now...a brief introduction"

Theodore coughs "I welcome you properly to Neptunia's Second Lost Chapter, the Fanfiction of Megadimension Neptunia V2. Separated into three distinct arcs, each of a unique story line, it's arguably the best game for the story it has and the new characters it brings. Now to introduce the story"

Theodore skims a sheet "Hyperdimension Neptunia is normally an all-girl RPG series that personifies the Video Game Industry. The characters and themes are all inspired by the video game Market themselves. For example the world is called Gamindustry, and one of the Towns is called Lowee, named from the Nintendo Wii. Well the Fanfictions, including this one, are based on those games...only it changes the script...with the only Male Protagonist"

" a teenage boy of brown slightly spiky hair and of good attitude. Introduced in the first Fanfiction as a simple wandering warrior, he soon became a big part of the story. Through the battles he had, he made irreplaceable friends...and became something no-one thought possible"

"Now Very important note, Neptunia's Second LC is a Sequel to the first one NOT the Mk 2 one...which means if you've read the original story you'll know who Terra is...if not...don't worry you'll be filled in, at the intro"

"With that I can only start the main story. Now Three things before the story begins. Point one: like before...yes Terra is only Male hero, well the only other one, so no complaining from anyone. Point two...this story will have three Arcs, like the game it's based on and Point three...enjoy the story as you would. Be prepare for the comedy, pinches of awkwardness, the over the top and gigantic battles...and the story...that's to follow"

"I introduce you to the first Arc ZERO Dimension Neptunia Z: Twilight of the Desperate CPU"

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