Arc 2C: Lastation Chapter 5: Conflicting Truths

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"Well folks...this is the final chapter of this mini-arc and with it my special time in the spotlight. It is I Vert and apologies for my long absence but fear not for my big sister charms and ample body is here to provide and nurture you all. It should come as no surprise that my Arc is next, for I am the one remaining goddess left...and as they say you always save the best for last. Now then, last time our dear Noire managed to help K-Sha but this arc is not done. What is left? Is K-Sha the true maiden Terra must save...let's find out on with the show" 

Terra, K-Sha, Noire, Uni and Nisa were back in K-Sha's room...which had been magically fixed "Run this by me did this room, you know repair so quickly" said Nisa looking round

"I shouldn't say this" said Noire "But in the world of Neptunia, it's actually impossible for us to damage our home areas, maybe mess them up but not damage them"

"I...always did wonder about that" said Uni "But enough on that, said you were going to tell us all you knew"

"Like for a start...are you really the ruler of this nation?" asked Nisa with K-Sha nodding

"Yes...and No, allow me to explain from the beginning"

K-Sha sighed "Let me start with this...I was raised and was once part of the Order the cult that is trying to take this city by force"

"You're...part of the Order?" asked Noire in surprise

"I was raised at an young age, through endless combat routine to - sorry to say - eliminate the CPU and help the Order control the world.  I took part in many missions slowly developing my skills over time until I became a perfect soldier and rarely have I failed a mission"

"No wonder your persona did such a dramatic change" said Nisa

"It's honestly like that whenever I hold a weapon. Over time the missions eased, I saw the other girls and slowly noticed how different I was...and soon I just wanted a normal life, as a school girl. I was allowed to leave...after a while" 

K-Sha sighed "Sadly the Order though continued their efforts, slowly gaining small victories over stores, businesses and influences and gaining funds increasing their grip"

"Can I ask...what kinda missions where you doing?" asked Terra

"Hmm I didn't kill anyone, myself anyway, but I did things like knocking out rivals, infiltrating bases for information and the occasional monster slaying"

"That answers your skill" said Noire "But now the most urgent questions. K-Sha, what is this Order trying to do? Who runs them can we find them?"

"For Question 1; to conquer Lastation and revive a fallen deity from years ago. I never got the name but this...girl, for they refer to their saviour as a she, was a powerful goddess but banished by humanity years ago. As for Question 2, it may not look it but one sole person runs them...and question 3, they lie at the Lastation cradle, another gold Tower to the back of Lastation" 

K-Sha stood up "You need a special password to open the front door, which I know I can provide"

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