Chapter 14

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Jacks pov.

I screwed everything up last night. I hurt her more than she was already hurting. I lost her all because I love her and I-

"Jack"Andy calls.


"I've been saying your name for the past 5 minutes,I just wanted to ask if you were coming to Windsor?"

"no"I turn away.

"fine drown in your own sorrow all day then"he storms out with the rest of the boys. I've lost everything,I need to leave.

I go on my laptop and book the next flight back to Ireland,it's just temporary until Im in a good mind space. I call my mum.


"yes darling"

"I want to come home,temporarily"

"if your sure"

"I am,I've booked my ticket"

"I'll pick you up from the airport when you arrive"

"thank you mum,love you"

"love you too,bye"

"bye"I hang up.

I pack my suitcase and write a note.

Andy,Rye,mikey and Brook

I just wanted to let you know I've gone back home for a while. I feel like I've lost you all,you lot,Harvey and sophie. I'm not in a stable headspace and I want to fix that. I'm sorry and understand if Blair wants to sack me. Show him this note please and show sophie and Harvey. I'm fine and I'll see you soon.

Jack x

I stick it to the door and grab my bag ready to leave. I call an uber and head to the airport. I know running away form your problems isn't the best solution but right now that's what I want. I want to go home,I want to be with my family, I want to be with my school friends.

I get to the airport,get through security as quickly as I can and run to my gate. I get there just in time. I sit down in my seat and put my earphones in. I try to fall asleep but I just can't,I have too many things on my mind.

In Ireland.

"mum!"I give her a huge hug.

"hi darling"she hugs back.

"I missed you"

"I missed you more"I really love my mum.

"come on let's see go home"I smile heading to the car and getting in the passenger side.

All the way home we talk and luckily she hasn't asked yet why I've come home. We arrive and go in,I put my bag in my room then go back downstairs.

"hey mum,wheres Emily?"

"at a friends,she'll be back tomorrow"

"ok"I sit down next to her.

"Jack"here we go.


"do you want to tell me why your home so suddenly"I mean I probably should tell her.

"I-I needed to get away"I shed a tear.

"get away from what? The boys,Blair,Harvey? Who?"

"everyone but it was me not them"

"tell me Jack"

"I messed up"I'm stalling now.

"Jack please tell me,what did you do?"

"I lost everyone"

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