Chapter 6

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Sophies pov.

So jacks gone,I'm not gonna lie to you I'm hurt,I feel like my hearts been shattered,I've been abandoned. Jack was in the very small percentage of people that actually cared about me and I cared about. Now he's gone. Left me. I need to and will get over it but it's going to be a struggle. I haven't had a call,text,dm nothing at all. I feel like he got that opertunity then just completely erased me from his memory.

Today I don't have to be at school so I decided I'm going to go job hunting,my dream job is to be a songwriter/producer but obviously I need to work to that. I'm just thinking about getting a waitress job or something like that just to get a little bit of money.

I get out of bed and get changed,I eat some breakfast before leaving the house. Everywhere I go in meath reminds me of Jack and I hate it. I have no luck finding a job so I just decide to head home.

When I arrive home I decide I'm going to try my hardest to get a job in songwriting/producing or anything in music industry. All morning I'm contacting music producers and managers but non of them are looking for jobs. I am about to give up when I get a message back from a manager called Blair. He said that I can trial in Ireland with another manager in the same management as him. That was easier than I thought. Im so excited because in a few months I could be in London doing this professionally,I mean I know jacks moved to England but I have no idea where. He could be in London but he might not be. Ill just have to wait and see. Half of me hopes not so that I don't have to face him but half of me does because I miss him and want him back in my life.

I grab my guitar and decide to write a brand new song to present to my manager. I write it about how I'm feeling right now,about jack. I'm working on it all day and night. I want this to be perfect,so I can be guaranteed a job.

A week later.

Still no contact from Jack. He's definitely forgotten about me. Well on a positive note I'm meeting with my temporary manager.

I start to get ready. I decide that I'm just going to dress casual because thats what I will be wearing to work. I put on light makeup and braid my hair. Breakfast is next and I have lucky charms and a glass of orange juice.

I decide its time to go for my interview. Earphones in I walk out my front door,past jacks house and towards the studio down the road. When I arrive I am greeted by my manager,there's also a woman stood next to him.

"hello,nice to meet you"he shakes my hand.


"this is kaitlyn my assistant manager,she will be the female version of me if I'm not around. She will answer any questions you have,any help she will be the one to go to"

"ok,nice to meet you kaitlyn..."I look at her badge and I can't believe what I saw.


"happy birthday jack"it was jacks 13th today.

"thank you"he hugs me.

We play some party games but everybody gets bored quite quickly. We have music on and just talk. Jack said he was going to find his friend or something so I go and get a drink by myself.

"hey,what's your name?"a girl that looks a few years older asks me.

"hi,I'm sophie"

"I'm kaitlyn,jacks cousin"

"nice to meet you,I'm jacks best friend"

"oh yeah,he always talks to me about you"that surprises me.

"what kind of things does he say?"

"good things,just like how much you mean to him and how much he really likes you. We tell each other everything"

"well it was nice to meet you,I'm gonna go find jack"

"ok,bye"and with that she leaves on her quest to find jack.

End of flashback.

"you ok?"

"erm yeah"I snap out of my thoughts and look back up at her.

"here,text me"she hands me a piece of paper with her number on.

"sure"I take it and leave with work to get done.

Tomorrow I will be in the studio with kaitlyn just looking everything,having a play around with the controls and singing. I promised her I would sing her a song I wrote.
I check my phone,every social media I have just hoping jack has tried to contact me. Nothing. I fall asleep to riverdale my favourite TV show.

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